Monster meme and macs

Aug 14, 2008 21:11

I've invented a meme -- go through your Supernatural fics. Count up the incidences you've used each type of supernatural being/monster/critter and list them in your LJ. Which one comes up most often, and why?

+The number is how many stories the supernatural critter has appeared directly in a story I wrote -- not the quantity of the monsters (which in my stories, often are in packs). These are just the fics/ficlets. I'm not going through my drabbles.

monster in the closet: 2
zombies: 1
ghosts: 15
skinwalker: 1
pixies: 1
hell hound: 3
demon (Whedonverse style): 2
dragon: 2
powries: 1
lake monster: 1
harvest god: 1
unknown creature: 2
leucrota: 1
hippogriff: 1
wendigo: 1
ghouls: 1
cerberus: 1
roc: 1
lemure: 1
demon (SPN style): 6
bugbear: 1
imp: 1
kappa: 1
chupacabra: 1
carbuncle: 1
water demon: 1
buggy-eyed, tentacled aliens: 1
elf: 1
black dog: 1
squonk: 1
unknown shark-like creature: 1
nixie: 1
ogres: 1
rawhead: 1
goblin: 1

Anyone who's been hanging around here for a while knows I am fond of hunts and casefile fics. That means lots of monsters. I seem to be very fond of writing ghosts and use them repeatedly. Probably the same reason we have a lot of ghosts in the show -- with ghosts it's easier to find a mirror for the Winchesters, their tragedies or flaws reflected back at them. But I'm also fond of monster type things -- which I've actually used as often, or more, they just don't get repeat use.

Bonus part of the meme (optional): which monster from that list would you want to see me use again?

There may be a fic from me in a couple of days. Mostly written before my muse flopped over and refused to move another step. And one more fic out at beta, written a while ago. Because this has been the summer of finished, unposted fics. It's weird.


Talk me out of it, or tell me I'll wonder why I waited so long: I'm thinking of buying a Macbook. It's lightweight and 2.4 GHz and 2GB of RAM and has a 250 Gigabyte HD and it's shiiiiiny. My PC laptop has been crawling lately. Itunes never works right and Word crashes ALL THE TIME and even the snappy Firefox 3 has not completely eased the sluggishness. There are some windows annoyances that bug me and I hear from mac evangelists that macs manage memory better and are better built from the ground up, in terms of their OS. (Important question: if I switched to Word for Mac and someone beta read my fic in Word for PC with track changes on, will the changes look all screwy on the Mac on my end?) I've been PC-based for so long. Really, is mac better?

macbook, fanfic meme

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