SPN fic recs for is-it-September-yet? Thursday

Aug 14, 2008 08:05

There are spoilery season 4 pics. Day two of it, and I haven't clicked yet. Ahahaha, I will be strong.

4 SPN gen fic recs, after the cut.

Another spn_summergen rec: Bad War, Good Soldier, R
Moving between two time frames, Sam in 2001, John in 1967, this is a poignant look at Winchester family dynamics and history. There's a lot going on in this and it all weaves together seamlessly. Beautiful.

Five Things Sam wishes he didn't know about himself by missyjack, Gen, PG-13
Devastating look at Sam, and the nature of grief. Powerful and true. (Note: the newsletter coded this as Sam/Dean, but personally I saw it as gen).

Don't Send Me No More Letters by kimonkey7, Gen, PG-13
A pungent, understated look at John's perspective on losses, season one. Spot-on.

In September by legoline, Gen, PG, preseries
Heartrending fic but with the joy worked in too, Sam, Dean and John in the wake of Mary's death, and how wee!Dean learned to talk again.

+More SPN fic recs at my delicious account.
+Feedback is love. If you like the stories, tell the authors.

fanfic recs: supernatural

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