Nov 12, 2005 22:13
Hey everyone. Newbie snarker here, so please be kind if my snarkiness isn't quite up to par yet. ;)
I was at the vet today with my 12 week old male shepherd/husky mix. And we were absolutely surrounded by teh stupid. There were three pit bulls waiting with us, along with a bulldog. Let me state right off the bat that I have nothing against pit bulls, I used to own one, and I'm highly annoyed by the bad rap they get due to the idiocy of some of the people who own them. And oh dear fucking god were the owners of two of the pits idiots.
The first pit was barking her head off and pulling so hard on the leash that she was choking. Owner was a sterotypical 18 year old male, there with his girlfriend. The girlfriend keeps yelling at the dog to "Shut up!" Right. 'Cause, you know, she'll obviously listen since she's been trained OH SO WELL and has such a good bond with her owners. When that approach doesn't work (amazing!), the guy starts HITTING the dog to make it behave. Awesome. Why didn't I ever think of that? It'll certainly solve any dog behavior problem! My husband has had enough at that point and looks over and says "that's not how you train a dog." The stupid jackass then decides it's a good idea to step up and get in my husband's face saying things like he knows how to train a dog and we don't know shit and to shut the fuck up. So apparently his lack of brainpower doesn't only apply to pet ownership, but to his own physical safety as well. Yes, it's a fantastic idea for your teenage 5'7" 160lb self to start with my ex-army 6'5" 270lb husband. Silly, silly boy. And by the way, did you notice that when you took a momentary pause from screaming at YOUR dog to sit (with no result), I told my dog sit, and then down, and he actually LISTENED? But hey, pay no mind, 'cause you obviously are king of the dog trainers, and I know nothing. Can't wait to see what happens now that we've told the vet that you were beating your dog in the waiting room. Have a nice day asshole.
So after I stop my husband from crushing the kid like a bug, the second pit (there with his also stereotypical teenage male owner) comes over to sniff my dog. He's over 6 months old, and not neutered. I smell trouble. But the dogs are sniffing each other, tails are up and wagging, all seems well. Until he growls and lunges for my dog. The guy tugs his dog's leash a bit and half heartedly tells him "No" before going back to staring at the wall. Umm....hey! Jackass! Your dog just tried to eat my dog's face, you could at least say sorry! So now I'm keeping my dog reined in, and as far from that pit as possible. The pit's owner doesn't seem the slightest bit concerned, and the dog just chills out for a while. Then he randomly snarls and lunges for the bulldog (who snarls back), and then my dog again (who whimpers and freezes in shock). The kid looks at us and mumbles that the dog has never been like this, he's a really sweet dog. Uh huh. 'Cause we all know that well trained sweet dogs just randomly wake up one day and decide "I'm going to eat my own kind today!" I'm sure he's never snapped at another dog. And I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that the dog is reaching sexual maturity and hasn't been neutered. No way would that cause aggression. He must have just been "tired of waiting so long". Nope, no problem with that dog, he's really sweet! Nonetheless, I think I'll just position myself between my dog and cujo over there for the remainder of our wait, even though you say he's fine. Moron.
stupid pet owners,