Okay, so this guy had a super bad day. First, he wasn't allowed to bring his dog into a pub. Then, his dog just wouldn't stop barking. So, the guy did what any sane, normal guy having a bad, stressful day would - he beat the dog with the dog's lead, hung the dog, dragged the dog, and finally kicked the dog several times.
But don't worry! After he hung the dog, he felt super-bad and KISSED him to show how much he really loved Sweep (the dog). But then Sweep just had to go and not follow his owner, so the guy kicked him a few times. That's showing the love!
Things get a lot better for the guy with the bad day. When taken to court, he was really remorseful, and he even cried - that must mean he's really a good person! His attorney had this to say: "It was a one-off offence, one at the lower end of the scale, perhaps one that was impulsive and one after which he has shown genuine remorse."
That's right - it was just an impulse, and he feels really, OMG! very much so bad!
Wait, there's more. The magistrate in charge of the case found the whole thing really offensive, and he thought the video of the guy beating the crap out of his dog was really messed up. But, I guess because the guy was having a bad day, it's all okay. The judge allowed him to keep the dog, and he can get more dogs to beat up too! Ain't justice grand?