I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Aug 04, 2005 01:14

        Holy Diet of Death, Batman.  Owner gets dog from a pet store "breeder" and feeds it boiled chicken and low-fat (OMG YAY! That makes it safe, right?!) Dannon Peach Yogurt.  For some reason, the dog just won't eat dog food.  Owner would like to know if this diet is acceptable.  I particularly like the parts where she insists her dog is from reputable lineage because she knows the breeder and that shelter dogs aren't as good because her friend once adopted one and it died within a week.   (Locked)

Another question:

My puppy's diet primarily consists of boiled chicken & low-fat Dannon Peach yogurt. If she's very hungry she'll tolerate a little bit of dog food mixed in with the chicken, but otherwise she doesn't like it much. I also give her NutriCal every morning.

Does this seem like a healthy diet to you? She's so finicky I'm just relieved when she'll actually eat something.

Edit: My dog is not ill. She has a healthy appetite & eats normal portions. She just hates dog food.

        She was purchased from a breeder, so she's not your average pet store animal. By the time I'd purchased her she'd been to the vet a couple of times for shots & a general check-up. Her first appt while I'm accompanying her is this afternoon.
          Hm. Lola's lineage is pretty impressive (multiple dog show winners) so I'm not worried about that. It's not like she doesn't have an appetite, she just doesn't like dog food.
         I'm sorry for your friend's chihuaha, but a friend of mine adopted an animal from a shelter & she died within a week. My first pet was purchased for me from a regular ol' pet store when I was 12 & she lived for 17 healthy, happy yrs.

The place I purchased her from is very reputable & has an excellent breeding history. Again, I'm not worried about that. My pet isn't ill. She hasn't lost her appetite. She's just extremely finicky.

OMG I'M NEVER SPAYING MY DOGS AGAIN! WHO'S WITH ME?!?  Yes, she's serious, and yes, she's getting support.   No, she doesn't want a lecture, and no, she doesn't want to hear anything silly like the truth or reality.  She just wants to feel vindicated since she didn't want to spay her dog to begin with and now she's got proof that spaying is evil and mean and it should never, ever be done, not ever never.  There are no benefits, only DEATH! So there.

Hello, I'm a selfish asshat and can't be bothered to find a place to live that will accept my cats.   ...So... does like... anyone want them? They're so special and cute and not like any other cats ever and one of them is even special needs!  That's good, right?... Right?

So my (unneutered, roaming male) cat got another cat pregnant and it wasn't planned, but we were planning on breeding anyway and then it happened and I don't really know anything about it, but the kittens are purebred (!) and everyone wants one so we're not contributing to the overpopulation problem, so like... why is everyone being so mean to me?  This one even has remarkable and brilliant commentary from two of the best people on the internet, proving yet again that stupidity seeks out it's likeness.  By the way, if you think irresponsible breeding is bad, that makes you a dreaded 'ara' because liek, omg, scroo teh pets tat dies in teh shelterz!

And for a little icing on the cake, some back alley, two horse hick town in Kansas has decided to try and ban vicious dogs.  The targets?  "Terriers, Rottweillers and Pit Bulls."   ...Do I even need to say anything?  No?  Good.  (I notice the post just below this talking about Terriers as a breed...  apparently that idea is spreading.)

Am I the only one that uses this community for therapy?  It's like some form of anger management, really... I find it healthy and refreshing.

stupid pet owners, decembertyger, bsl, backyard breeders, chihuahuas, hillfamily, la_palomita, dog_lovers, cathealth, animal_rescue, wackyruss

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