I'm totally excited for my classes. Even the bad ones. Like, Mr. Kashayar Farrehi, he-who-talks-slow-and-reads-from-slides isn't even bothering me that badly. I'm not irritated at the fact that the first class session of Intro to Visual Basic was learning how to save a file.
I'm REALLY excited for my Game Development class. I think I'm gonna be lead programmer on our team and I'm so excited to just bang out a project.
I'm actually doing really well right now! I'm keeping really busy. 12-hour days just kinda fly by, and I'm getting a lot done. I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want really. It helps that I'm excited in what I'm studying about. And the long days mean that I don't ever have to be home. It's like living out of home without having to pay rent!! I totally dig it!
I've also started a pen and paper RPG with some friends at school. No, it's not Dungeons and Dragons =)
I feel like this semester is going to be so much better than last. I feel excited,imaginative and productive. I feel more like myself. That in itself is exciting!
Good, good things are happening =]
That is all =]