because it's good

Aug 21, 2012 22:40

I am making chicken noodle soup in the slow cooker. It's probably too hot for this, but I have been feeling generally unwell for the past day or two, and I want chicken soup, so that's how it goes. The bad thing about using the slow cooker while you're at home is that you have to smell dinner all day, and you want to eat it, but it won't be done for, like, 5 hours. (Well, just about 2 hours, now. I have to wait for Kevin to get home anyway.) The good thing is that it builds anticipation, so by the time you can actually eat it, even if it's terrible, you think it's the best thing ever. (...It probably doesn't really work that way. But still.)

I made huge casseroles the last couple nights -- cottage pie, taco stuffed shells -- that were like 10-12 servings each. Kevin eats like he's 5 people, but that was still a lot. So now I have a ton of freezer meals ready to go. And I'm going to make pasta salad this week, using whatever veggies look good at the market tomorrow, because I have been craving pasta salad for about 100 years.

I feel like all I want to do is sleep, though. I don't know if that means I'm getting sick, or if I'm just more depressed than I thought, or what. I'm grumpy and snappish. I don't know.


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