Dec 07, 2005 15:32
Things that I don’t enjoy at the time but always get a kick out of in retrospect #2,438: The total and utter panic I usually experience after writing a particularly “work inappropriate e-mail” to one of my friends, from work. Five minutes later, when I can no longer be absolutely certain of who it was, exactly, that I sent the dirty joke/sappy girlfriend e-mail/death threat to, for a second I break into a cold sweat. That’s always fun, especially when I get to my Sent folder and it’s sorted by sender, which does nothing for me in this scenario. I am then left having to wait an extra few seconds while some demon function figures out the most inefficient way to resort my e-mail by date and possibly bring down the entire computer, if not our exchange server, in the process. There I sit, for several panic ridden seconds listening to my computer make sounds that oddly resemble what I imagine a computer “death rattle” would sound like. It’s these kinds of moments, right before either the confirmation of the intended recipient or a “system failure”, that really magnify the ambiguities of life. I mean, had I a less resource thirsty e-mail client, for instance, I would be only half as insane as I am today…. presumably. I’m sorry; did I say “ambiguities” back there? I mean mind boggling over-simplification and stunning hyperbole. And of this blog, not so much life.
a flawless weakness