Mar 06, 2008 14:11
Since November, I've been dying to spend time at my house in New Hampshire. I was supposed to go up in December, but plans fell through, and we rent it out this season anyways, because none of us are snow people. I know I'd hate it up there in winter, but when I picture myself up there, it's always summer...stupid, i know. Clearly there are 1,000 feet of snow up there and nothing to do, but...I dunno, I just feel like I'll get up there and it'll be warm and exciting and .....gah I miss it so much!
I still get those excited butterflies in my stomach when I think about it up there- I have an extremely bad case right now. I just want to jump around and squeal and giggle...but then I'd fall because my knee wouldn't hold up :-p I don't think I'll ever grow up when it comes to that place. Hell, I just spent over a hour on the Story Land website <333 I know a 19 year old doesn't belong at a place like that without a 4 year old next to her but I'd still enjoy it just as much. I guess I just want to be little again, and be able to feel that excitement without thinking twice about it. I want to make a list of stuff to pack in July when I'm leaving in August, I want to be too pumped to sleep the night before we leave, I want to stock up on coloring books and gameboy games for the endless drive up there, I want to be the first one to run in and inhale that "vacation house" smell, I want to laugh with my siblings and not hate them for a week, I want Sara to be nice to me and my parents to be nice to each other. Well, ok the latter I don't care so much about, it was just something I marveled at as a kid.
But here's the thing, I do still get too excited to sleep the night before and I do make lists of what I want to bring and where I want to be every second of every day. I haven't grown out of any of it, I just feel like it's wrong to be this old and feeling what I felt ten years ago. The difference is, ever since I was 10 I'vehad this desire to share this place that I love o much with other people I love. I have that opportunity now and I'm so excited for it.
In short, Brendan, we're leaving the day I get back from Romania. Be packed and in the car waiting at Logan :)
Brendan's parents are shooting elastics at a basketball with the cutest little boy ever <3333
if I steal him, I could totally go to story land...