Title: Arachnophobia
Author: DorsetGirl
Fandom: Life on Mars
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters or their universe. BBC/Kudos do. I’m not making any money out of this.
Rating: White Cortina; no actual spiders appear in this fic.
Pairings: Sam/Gene implied
Word Count: 238
Summary: Sam is scared of spiders
A/N: In a comment on
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Comments 6
Hahaha! Do you do that too? *g* I fail just as spectacularly *g*
Poor Sam. Let's hope Ray doesn't get to hear of Sam's phobia - he would certainly take advantage of it!
I love all Gene's double entendres. I bet he was chuckling to himself at them :D
All the time, I'm afraid. This took ten minutes to write, ten minutes to stop LJ changing the font sizes and forty minutes to stop it chucking in extra line feeds and swallowing the title. I nearly just binned it instead.
Ray would be one of those bastards who likes to pick up the really big, hairy-legged black spiders and hold it right up to your face. (I'm glad you liked the double ententres; I wanted to think up something a little more subtle for the second lot, but the mind failed.) Thanks for commenting.
thank you!
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