Jun 27, 2005 23:52
I am now a fake strawberry blonde. It actually looks pretty good I think. I dyed it last night and then again tonight so I could get a good color. I like it alot. I was gonna put a picture up on here, but my batteries went dead when I turned on the camera. So no go. Speaking of which, I need to get new good batteries for my missions trip to Montana. It should be an interesting trip. I plan on being awake during the night part of the drive and sleeping during the day so I don't have to listen to everyone! Arn't I such a sweetie? Ah crap, I need to go out to my car and get the little thingy we are suppose to be doing the week before we leave. I didn't do it last night, so I better start tonight. I leave on Sunday, and come back the following Sunday...then I'll be home monday and tuesday and then off to sonshine music festival! Heck yeah....I'm really looking forward to that. Anyone interested in some good Christian music from any genre should come. www.sonshinemusicfestival.com I think I got that right. Anyway, it's July 14th-16th.
That dumb canoeing guy is getting on my nerves.
I feel sick to my stomache over a couple issues in my life right now. I kinda wanna just curl up and hide. So yet again I humbly ask for your prayers. May God be glorified. May I be ready to accept the consequences...whatever they may be.
Someone in my life will love me ragardless....right?.....
Oh Lord, help me now. I ever need your peace. Your comfort, and your loving arms and forgiveness. Help me to bear the consequences of my actions in whichever course they take. I need you now more than ever. Forgive me of my sins against you, wash me clean once again. I'm ready to do the right thing if it's not too late. May I yet become the Man of God you want me to be. Shameful I am to your name, a disgrace. Perhaps not in public, and perhaps no one knows. But you know Oh Lord. And that is all that matters. Forgive me once again Father...that's all I'm asking.
Your Child,