Jan 09, 2004 23:30
Today was a really good day. Beth, Amy and I all hung out again... just like old times. =) I`m really glad. Renee also "tagged" along, lol, gOd! Just kidding, she`s so much fun. =D I <3 them all. And my god, I am so lucky to have them. I mean all my friends.. it`s just wonderful, I do have great friends. Thank you all.
.:Some Special Shout-Outs:.
Kristi- I love you so incredibily much. You are the biggest sweetheart, and even though there are times when your, um...., *over-excessive niceness* bothers me, your still in my heart. ;D You`ve been there for me always and I hope that I`m there for you as well. Nobody could ask for a better best friend, and I`m so glad I have YOU! Thank you sweetie.
Amy-Wow darlin`, I love ya. I am so happy that we are friends, and that we`re getting closer. It sucks because we seen each other like every day in Summer, and to go to this? Seeing each other like twice a month?! That`s BS. But everytime I`m with you I have a good time. Your so great, I <3 you. =) Friends-for-always.
Berthany, Michelle, and Renee- I know you guys probably won`t read this but I`m writing it anyways because your so important to me. ;) You all have been there for me in school no matter what, and I so very much thank you. Without you guys I would probably hate HighSchool! *Beth*~ You are so good at everything you do. Your so great and you dare to go where no man woman has gone before. =P I <3 you. *Michelle*~ You are so spunky and lively! I love you so much. I adore you babe. =) *Renee*~ Ha, you are crazy... and I LOVE YOU! You are definetly one of the funniest people I know, you never fail to make me laugh. =D I`m so glad that we`re friends. I heart you gals.
Amber S.- Your so crazy and funny. You don`t care what people think about you and that`s so rare. That`s why I love ya. ;) I wish that one day you will find true happiness. And I know that one day you will find a man that loves you for your booger-pickin` self! =P
Amber F.- You are such a genuine and caring person and I am so glad we got close this year. =) I love talking to you, your so funny and sweet, and you sure know how to make girl happy. ;) ;) lol, just kidddding! =P Don`t ever change. <3 ya.
StePHanie- I love ya. Your just a really good person and I hope that all this bad stuff in your life ends soon. You don`t deserve it. But I`m glad that we started talking this year. =) See ya at lunch babe! :)
SteFanie- Wow dork. I can`t believe I`m friends with you. LOL.. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo just kidding! (That`s for saying that my typing technique sucks, because in all actuality it ROCKS!) OK, so anyways, I luv you. =D Your a wonderful person and your sucha hard-worker! lol. Geometry is sooooooooooo much fun with you! =) I`m glad that we`re friends lover. :]
Jaimi- I don`t know if you`ll read this or not, but oh well. I`m happy that we`ve gotten close this year! Your such a sweet girl and you deserve the best in life. I <3 you. =)
To All The Boys-.....................you suck. =D
Alright, just wanted to thank those people. I seriously do love you. =)
Hugs and Kisses...I`ll write about stuff later..I`m tired. ZzZzZz.......
Xo, <33
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* <3 Danielle *