Title: The Difference
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men
Table/Prompt: Table 3/7. There’s a thin line between the dark side and the light side.
Character/Pairing: Victor, Jean-Paul
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: The question is, how much of it was Jean-Paul, and how much of it was the demon.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. Set after X-Infernus.
There was an uncomfortable moment before Victor spoke. “I know you weren’t yourself,” he said, “and that the thing that had you wanted me upset. But whatever it is you want right now, I don’t want to hear it.”
Jean-Paul raised his chin, looking down at Victor as if he were about to argue or deliver a command that Victor not dismiss him so easily. The he nodded slowly. “Alright. Another time, then.”
Victor lowered his eyes back to his book. Jean-Paul noted that the boy’s fists were clenched, and there was tension in his shoulders. Jean-Paul remembered everything he’d said while he’d been under Gambit’s control in Limbo. He’d wanted to make Victor hurt, and he knew he’d succeeded. And like Allison had said, it had been different from run of the mill possession. He’d certainly felt like himself…