Title: The Ground Beneath His Feet
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor, Santo
Prompt: Table 2/28. Gasp
Word Count: 172
Rating: PG
Summary: The world is falling down around Victor.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Victor stared at the abyss stretching out beneath his dangling feet. Moments before, the now empty air had been occupied by what had seemed to be a relatively sturdy cliff, and the only thing keeping him from joining the rocks below was Santo’s large, stony hand gripping the back of his neck. Slowly, Santo pulled Victor back on to solid ground, though he didn’t let go even when Victor’s feet were planted on terra firma.
“Jesus Christ,” Santo muttered, hand still clamped around the back of Victor’s neck.
Finally, the reptilian boy said, “Not that I don’t appreciate the save, but we gotta get moving.” He reached up and back, laying a hand on Santo’s wrist, tugging at it gently. Slowly, reluctantly, the large stone fingers uncurled, releasing Victor from his grasp.