Title: Me and My Shadow
dorksidefikerFandom: Original
Table/Prompt: Table B/34. Shadow
Character/Pairing: Rowena Mox
Rating: PG
Word Count: 416
Summary: In which Rowena makes a friend.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Mine!
Rowena Maharissa stared at the shadow on the wall as it danced and flickered in the candle light. It was almost like the shadow was alive. Outside, in the common room, she could hear her dorm makes talking and giggling. They had made it abundantly clear that Rowena was not welcome at their little gathering. Not that Rowena wanted to be with the insipid little twits, talking about boys and what they were going to do after the war. Or about their families. She would much rather spend her night reading in peace and quiet. She looked at the book open on her bed, lower lip caught between her teeth.
She didn’t need those girls, but she missed her brother. He would have loved the book. He would have crawled right into the bed and demanded to know what happened next to the flying and his band of lost children.
Rowena watched the shadow flicker, her thoughts far away. She stretched out a hand as if trying to hold the shadow in place. A loud burst of laughter slid under the door, lashing out at the young girl, alone with her shadow and her thoughts. A dangerous state indeed for a young magus.
Her jaw tightened as she studied her shadow, moving so it looked more solid. Slowly, a sly smile spread across her face.
“Oh yes,” she murmured, turning to open her trunk.
The headmaster looked around the ruins of the girl’s common room, eyes finally coming to rest on the unrepentant Mox girl. If anything, she looked extraordinarily pleased with herself. Of course, if he were the one who’d managed to manifest his shadow as an independent entity, he would have been proud too. Of course, he wouldn’t have used his shadow to torment a group of girls.
The shadow slid across the wall, moving around the girl like a butterfly looking for a place to land.
Her father was waiting for him in his office, and then he was going to have to talk to the other girls, and their parents.
He had no idea what to do about the girl. She was powerful, and the child of a truly dangerous man, so he didn’t dare rid himself of her, no matter how much he wanted to.