The Better Part of Valor

Oct 26, 2010 11:45

Title: The Better Part of Valor
Fandom: Young Avengers/1602
Characters: Jeff Kaplan, Wiccan, Hulkling, Magneto
Prompt: 26. Gate
Word Count: 790
Rating: PG-13
Summary: There’s power in secrets, as these three men know.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Set in the 1602 verse.

Jeffery Kaplan was a man who knew the value of discretion. As a Jew living in England, he’d had to keep the truth of his faith and heritage a closely guarded secret. As a physician to the moneyed and minorly noble, he knew the importance of a still tongue. Which was very likely what drew the attention of the twitchy, white haired young man who had run him across the channel and straight to the old Inquisitor. What this powerful man wanted was someone who could be trusted to not say a word about the birth which he had been called to attend. He didn’t ask who the woman was, or why she was to important to the old priest, or the identity of the father of the twin boys. Instead, he silently took the money he was offered and prepared to leave. One of the boys was handed off to the twitchy young man, who had disappeared like fairy gold in sunlight, while the Inquisitor held the other.

Jeffery was almost away when the priest said, “You have a wife, do you not?”

A chill ran through the physician, and he forced himself to answer without more than a slight tremor in his voice. “Yes, my lord.”

The inquisitor looked at the infant in his arms. “But no children.” Not a question. It made Jeffery uncomfortable that this very important man knew so much about him.

“No, my lord.”

The infant made a fitful noise, and the woman stirred restlessly in the exhausted sleep she had fallen in to.

“Perhaps, Master Kaplan, we can come to an arrangement.”


Theodore Altman, Lord Vell, was well aware of the importance of secrets, both ones own and those of others. It was his mother (God rest her soul) and her mastery of secrets that had secured his estate in spite of both his dubious parentage and his grandfather wishes. Knowledge of secrets, carefully applied, kept Theodore’s unnatural abilities from being known to those who might accuse him of being witch breed. And it was proper application of knowledge that secured to him the services of Master Kaplan and his family. His mother had been the one to originally procure the physician’s services, and Theodore had done everything in his power to keep him on, though it seemed to be more for the sake of Master Kaplan’s eldest son’s companionship than anything else (though that was a secret he chose to keep to himself).

William was guiding his gelding around the stable yard to cool it down. Theodore had handed his own beast off to the stable boy, and was now perched on the gate, watching the boy. His dark hair stood up at odd angles, having come loose from the stubby tail he tried to wear it in. Despite all of William’s best efforts, ten minutes after dressing, he always looked a mess. Theodore found it endearing. He also found that it often offered the most fascinating views, and fueled some of his more fevered imaginings.

“Are you almost done?”

“Very soon now, my lord.” There was something about the way William said ’my lord’ that made it sound like ’you great fat-head’. Theodore didn’t mind. Finally, William relinquished the gelding to a stable hand and joined the lord at the gate. “I exist but for your pleasure, my lord.”

Theodore snorted softly, sliding from his perch.


William knew the value of silence. There was a power in his words, and possibly more in the words he didn’t speak. He never asked why Theodore insisted he travel with him, or why he’d had William installed into the chamber connected to Theodore’s when he’d installed William’s family in a cottage on the grounds, ostensibly because he wanted a physician on hand. During the coldest months, William slept in Theodore’s bed for the sake of warmth. The manor could be quite drafty when winter set in.

All this went on, and William waited for the young lord to do something, say something…

Theodore did neither, just watched and stayed silent.

It was all about secrets. Who had them, who knew them, how they were used. Theodore knew that William’s family were Jews, and William knew that Theodore was witch breed, and Theodore at least suspected the same of William. William knew that Theodore lusted after him, though he seemed intent on doing nothing about it.

Secrets had power.

Sometimes, William wondered what he might do with that power.

1602, quicksilver, jeff kaplan, hulkling, marvel, wiccan, magneto

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