Flight of the Ravens

Jul 15, 2010 15:48

Title: Flight of the Ravens
Author/Artist: fullmetal_cute
Fandom: Amalgam (Kind of)
Characters/Pairing: William Rook, Teddy Logan, Bart Shepard, Elijah Stone, Red Vision, Katie Grange, Cassie Kord
Rating: PG
Table & Prompt number: Table 4 | 6. Or if you want to, me and a few friends are gonna fly.
Summary: Eli’s clinging to normalcy, Bart doesn’t know what normal is, Teddy wants some attention, and William wants some privacy
Author's note: The second Young Titans story.
Disclaimer: Y’know, this is kind of a weird area. The parent characters for this lot aren’t mine, but I’m the one putting them together like this… hrm.

The library was an island of peace in Elijah’s otherwise chaotic life… normally. Working there was really the last vestige he had left of his life from before Alex had swept in and turned everything upside down. He could still pass for completely human, as long as people didn’t look too close. The synthetic skin almost matched his skin tone, but it wasn’t exactly right. Katie said that he was imagining things, but Eli knew that if anyone looked closely, they’d be able to tell where he ended and the cybernetics began.

Thankfully, most people at the library didn’t look too closely. He was just one of several young pages, running around reshelving books, practically invisible.

A book on the shelf in front of Eli disappeared, reappearing two selves down and several books over from where it had been taken. Eli closed his eyes, reminding himself that he should stay calm, stay collected-

“Bart!” he snapped, whirling around to glare at the speedster who seemed to intent on making him miserable. Bart finally stopped, one book open in his hand as he looked up, golden eyes widening innocently. The cyborg wasn’t buying it for a minute, and he snatched the book out of Bart’s hand. “Go away.”

“I’m bored,” Bart said, taking another book and flipping through it so fast that his fingers blurred. “Why do you do this?” Eli ignored in for an eternity of a minute, "Why do you do this?" he demanded again, orbiting around Eli like a hyperactive moon. Eli breathed in slowly through his nose, then out through his mouth as he made a little space on the shelf and slid one of the books in his arm into place.

"Because it helps me feel normal." More books ghosted off the shelves, put back in the wrong place. “Can’t you do this at normal speed?” Eli demanded.

“ThisISmynormalspeed,” Bart informed him, leaving a stack of books next to the stack Eli had been shelving. The other boy was about to reprimand him, but his scanners told him that Bart was already gone before he even opened his mouth.


William watched the green crow circle around him through his eyelashes, but refused to acknowledge that he was there. He could feel Teddy’s mounting frustration, grinding against his mind like two rough stones rubbing against each other. He flexed his hands on his knees, breathing in and out slowly. Teddy landed on his shoulder, taking William’s hood in his beak, pulling it back. William raised his hand to try and pull the hood back up, but clearly Teddy wasn’t having any of it.

“Go away,” he said, trying to brush Teddy off. The crow hopped from his shoulder to his wrist, and William brought him up to give him the full force of his glare. “What? What do you want?”

Teddy hopped off, shifting from bird to humanoid in mid leap. “Come fly with me,” he said.


“Why not?”

“Because I do not want to.”

“Don’t you do anything fun?” Teddy asked.

“Flying is fun?” William asked.

Teddy shifted, growing wings from his back. William could feel the faint pleasure Teddy felt from exercising his powers, the faint tingling and stretching of skin and bone, muscle and sinew. If William had to put a name to the wings, he would have called them draconic. They were pretty, though most people didn’t think they were. They reminded him of the creatures from Azarath. William’s hand twitched with the urge to reach out and touch them, but he kept the impulse firmly under control. “Well, yeah.”

“Will it get you to leave me a alone?”

Teddy thought about it, then extended a hand to William. “Not likely. Coming?”

William wasn’t even aware that his hand had slipped into Teddy’s.


[Maybe someone should talk to Teddy?] Red Vision suggested. Katie spun her chair around a few times, then turned off the exterior cameras that had been on William and Teddy. [I do not believe that this is entirely healthy behavior.]

“The aggressive approach seems to be the only way to get through to Will,” Katie said. “And speaking as someone who’s been through more therapists than Cassie goes through clothes, I can tell you that the way he’s so closed off is just as bad. At least he doesn‘t tune Ted out completely.” Unspoken was unlike the rest of us.

Cassie poked her head into the room, wearing the blue shirt that Vision recognized as clothing generated by the scarab attached to her spine. “I’m running in to the city for food. Any requests?”

“Nothing for me,” Katie said. “I’m headed home. The sister says we need to talk.” She rolled her eyes and made a face. Cassie made a sympathetic noise.

[I could go with you,] Red Vision suggested tentatively. Cassie hesitated, but nodded her acquiescence.

“The more the merrier.”

young titans

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