Out of His Element

Jul 08, 2010 17:49

Title: Out of His Element
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy/Teddy
Prompt: 6. Element
Word Count: 369
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s easier to get into collage than to get into this kindergarten.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Another tale from That Damn Mpreg.

“Is this normal?” Teddy whispered to Billy as they sat outside the office of the school principle. The hallway smelled of chalk dust, in spite of the lemoney wood polish and what was no doubt a top notch janitorial service. Still, this place seemed impossibly posh, for an elementary school. It felt unnatural to him.

“Kate says this is one of the best schools Manhattan has to offer, and all our research agrees,” Billy reminded him gently, resting his hand on Teddy’s knee and giving it a squeeze. “We can’t keep the kids in the Tower forever.”

“Don’t see why not,” Teddy replied. “We can homeschool. It’s a perfectly legitimate choice. Franklin and Valeria Richards was mostly homeschooled.”

Billy turned a little on the bench, giving Teddy a look that spoke volumes. “They need normal social interaction, Ted. They need to be around other kids their age, otherwise they’re going to end up weird. I adore Franklin and Val, you know that, but they. Are. Weird.”

Teddy folded his hands behind his head, studying the marble ties on the wall. “It’s not like they’re the only kids in the Tower. They see other kids. What if they don’t like it here?”

“It’ll build character.”

Teddy smiled softly. “You used to say that was bullshit, remember?”

“I didn’t used to be someone’s dad. That changes everything.”

“Still…” Teddy looked at the file that sat between them. “There are colleges that have less stringent admission guidelines. It’s kindergarten. They’re gonna have fingerpaints and nape time and-”

“French class,” Billy added helpfully.

“We could send them to public school. That’ll build character.”

Billy gave teddy another of those looks that said so much. This look said that his children were going to public school over his cold, dead body. “You are such a mother hen.”

“I’m feeling out of my depth here, babe.”

“Relax. We face threats of cosmic proportions on a weekly basis. This is nothing.”

“Says you.”

hulkling, marvel, wiccan, young avengers, that damn mpreg

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