Title: Told You So
Fandom: Ben 10
Characters: Gwen, Ben
Prompt: 16. Pen
Word Count: 151
Rating: PG
Summary: Pens are not for chewing.
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Gwen looked at her cousin with absolutely no sympathy as he frantically tried to clean his tongue. Two lines of ink ran from the corners of his mouth, and his lower lip was dyed with the stuff, making it look like he had some really stupid looking facial hair. “I told you not to chew on that,” she said.
Ben glared at her as he gagged, reaching for a bottle of water and rinsing his mouth out. “Oh man, that is foul.”
“It’s ink, Ben,” Gwen pointed out. “you’re not supposed to eat it.”
“Ripjaws likes the taste,” Ben retorted lamely.
“Ripjaws also likes rotting fish and is completely gross. If he weren’t cuter than you, I’d never notice the difference.”