Dear Diary

Jun 02, 2010 08:06

TITLE: Dear Diary
AUTHOR: fullmetal_cute
FANDOM: Runaways
PROMPT: 85. Diary
SUMMARY: In which Xavin finds Karolina’s old diary.
WARNINGS: Fem-slashy
NOTES: Nothing to note.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.

To be honest, Karolina wasn’t very good at keeping a diary. She’d get one, and the first entry or two would be incredibly detailed, but then they’d get shorter and shorter, skipping days, until finally the diary would end up in her closet under a pile of clothes that she didn’t wear anymore, with maybe twenty pages filled, if that. Then she’d get a new one, and the cycle would repeat. There was really nothing of note in any of them.

So it came as a surprise to find to find Xavin reading through one after Molly had talked the Skrull into a scavenger hunt through the tar pit safe out.

“Where did you get that?”

Xavin waved a hand in the general direction of where the diary had come from. “They were on a shelf,” she said helpfully. “Sorted by year.”

“Oh God, I can’t believe my parents kept them.”

“Who’s Chrissie Donovan?” Xavin asked, only to get a blank look from Karolina. “She features rather prominently in the last few entries.”

“I…” Karolina hesitated, thinking. “I don’t even remember. Anyway, those are private!”

“Then it is a just as well I rescued the rest from the Hatchling,” Xavin noted.

xavin, marvel, young avengers, karolina dean

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