Title: Carpe Jugular
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Julian/Victor, mentions of Topher/Victor
Prompt: 88. Throat
Word Count: 416
Rating: PG-13
Summary: They’re both being weird about Vic’s neck.
Author's Notes: Another
Vampire Thing story. I own nothing.
Julian was waiting for Victor in his room, much to the reptilian boy’s irritation. “Out,” he said flatly, holding the door open for Julian and pointing to the hall.
Julian stood up, holding his hands out in supplication. “Now wait a sec, Master of the Mixed Signals.”
“Get out of my room, Julian, I don’t want to talk to you.” Victor tossed his backpack onto his bed, narrowly missing Julian with the impromptu missile. “You don’t have any business being in here.”
“I just want to talk to you.” Julian raked his hands through his hair. “We really gotta talk about the other night.”
“I don’t think there’s anything to talk about,” Victor said, his voice still flat. Julian pulled the door out of Victor’s grip with his powers and shut it, causing Victor’s scowl to deepen. “I don’t feel like playing any more of your games, Julian.”
“I’m playing games? You’re the one who pushed me away because you’re all weird about your neck!”
“You’re the one who’s being weird about my neck!” Victor snapped. “You-you’re always staring at it, and I swear to God that night it’s like the first thing you went for!” He put his hand against his throat and shuddered. “He bit me there, Julian. Every time. That’s why I’ve got all the damn scars.”
“Dammit, Vic, I just…” Julian licked his lips, trying to find the right words to say what he wanted, what he needed. To explain how badly he wanted to make those marks his own. But it seemed impossible, since he couldn’t even explain why he wanted that to himself. “I just wanted to make you feel good.”
Victor tugged the high neck of his pullover down, exposing the scars, his eyes hard as he watched Julian. “It did feel good. Every time he bit me, everything he did it me, everything he made me do, he made it feel good. You have no idea what it’s like. Everything that makes me feel good reminds me of that monster. I dream about him sometimes, Julian.” Victor pulled the turtleneck back up, shivering, disgust written on his face. Julian closed the space between them, hesitating only a moment before putting his arms around the other boy and holding him tightly.
“I’m scared, Julian. What if he’s not gone? What if he never goes away? It’s like I can still feel him. I wake up and I can smell him, Julian.”
“I promise, it’s all going to be okay,” Julian breathed, still holding on to Victor.