
May 20, 2009 10:29

Title: Untitled
Author/Artist: dorksidefiker
Pairing/Character/etc: Zack Guthrie, Lillian Beaubier
Fandom: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Theme: 29. Need
Disclaimer: I own it all! Muwahahahaha. No, really, these guys are mine. Okay, timemonkey provided SOME of the inspiration, but they’re still MINE.
Note: Another That Damn Mpreg adventure.

Zack Guthrie sprawled on the couch as Lillian crawled on top of him, her long white blonde hair falling like a curtain across her face. Zack cracked a blood shot eye open and moaned. “Ah need more sleep, kiddo.”

Somehow, Lillian managed to make herself heavier as she sat on her uncle’s chest. “Make the faces.”

“Ah’m tired,” Zack groaned, throwing an arm across his eyes to block out the stabbing pins of sunlight sneaking through his curtains. “Can’t ya entertain yerself? Quietly?”

“You promised Mama and Papa that you would watch me,” the child whined.

“Yer Ma an’ Pa owe me big for it, too.”

“I’ll tell,” Lillian said, mustering the kind of gravity that only small children and mountain gorillas could pull off. “Then Mama will be upset with you.”

“Do you promise you’ll leave me alone if I make some faces for you?” Zack asked. “Promise?”

“For now,” Lillian conceded.

“You have a bright future as a supervillain, kiddo. Anyone ever tell you that?”

that damn mpreg

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