Title: Greymalkin
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Jonas Greymalkin
Prompt: 4. Story
Word Count: 130
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Victor gives some thought to the tale of Greymalkin.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
My Table For what felt like a very long time after Greymalkin finished, he and Victor sat there, watching the city lights twinkling, digesting both the meal and Greymalkin’s words. Honest, Victor thought that the mutant had really low expectations if he thought that Chinese take out and Apocalyptica was intoxicating, but that was okay.
Maybe he could do something to raise Greymalkin’s standards, at least a little.
Greymalkin’s hand was surprisingly warm as he casually slipped it around Victor’s. Looking at him, one would have expected his skin to be cold and clammy.