Title: Long, Hard Fall
Universe: Gen 13
Rating: PG
Summary: Kid Apollo isn’t very impressed with Daybreaker’s plan.
Written for
grimcognito in exchange for art.
“Just drop me,” Daybreaker said, looking up at Kid Apollo. The blond looked back at him, his eyes wide as his hood fell over his face. “Do it!”
“I’ve been over this a thousand times in my head! Drop me!”
Kid Apollo gave him a look that seemed to go on forever, even as he dangled in the air. Daybreaker’s arm was starting to hurt, but he didn’t say anything about it. “How many of those times end in you going splat all over the ground?” Kid Apollo asked.
Daybreaker squirmed a little, looking at the fight down below. Waaaay down below.
“That’s what I thought.” Kid Apollo pursed his lips and swung Daybreaker up, catching him in his arms. “Stop squirming and come up with a plan that doesn’t involve you becoming a gooey smear all over the ground.”