Title: Soccer Dad
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Billy/Teddy, a couple of OMCs
Prompt: 34. Minivan
Word Count: 145
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Ted doesn’t want to give up his cool car. Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
“As cool as the company car is, Dad, don’t you think you could pick me and the team up in something less conspicuous?” Nate asked, leaning over the front seat. “Not that the van isn’t really cool and stuff...”
“But the civvies are asking questions,” Hal chimed in.
Ted ran a hand thoughtfully over the steering wheel. “There’s nothing wrong with the van.”
“Except half the toys in it won’t be on the market for another five years, if ever.” Nate sat back down. “Becca would be pissed if she got outed because you wouldn’t be caught dead in a minivan.”
Ted sighed softly. “We’ll see, sport.”