Title: One Night Stand
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Some things are better left unknown.
Sean Cassidy-Guthrie stared at the young man toweling himself off in the bathroom and tried to remember where he had seen him before. Besides last night. He was sure he’d seen this guy somewhere before, but at the moment, Sean couldn’t remember the guy’s name.
It seemed important that he remember before the guy finished dressing.
The brunette paused as he slipped his pants on, his lips twitching in a ghost of a smile. “My name’s Bobby,” he said.
Sean ducked his head, his embarrassment rising. “Right, Bobby. Look, this is gonna make me sound like a total ass, but where did we meet?”
Bobby scooped up his shirt, shaking out his damp hair as it curled around his shoulders. “I think it was called ‘Scarlet’,” he said dryly. “Around elevenish. Ring any bells?”
“That’s not-I mean, before last night.” Sean raked his fingers through his reddish blond hair, making it stand up on end. “I recognize you from somewhere.”
“I don’t think you want to know that. In fact, I think we should both just walk away.” He tugged his shirt over his head. “Some things are better left unknown.”