Title: Kin
Universe: That Damn Mpreg
Rating: PG
Summary: With the Xanathos clan, it’s all about family.
“My mother is your maternal grandmother’s sister.”
Ambrose put his coffee cup down very slowly, looking at Blindfold’s chin. The precog had no eyes, but the instinct to not to challenge was still there. Ruth Aldine wasn’t Pack, but she was an X-Man, and he was still a student. She ranked him. “...I didn’t actually ask yet, ma’am.”
“You were going to ask why I would talk to a student. Yes. I do not talk with students much, but yes I bring you here and buy you coffee.”
“So... you’re my cousin.” Ambrose looked -- really looked - at Blindfold. She was swarthy, and had a lesser version of the nose that graced his own face.
“We are family,” Ruth said in responce to the question Ambrose had been about to ask,” and we should spend time together.”