Title: Generational: Possession
Universe: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: G
Summery: Maes isn’t dead. He’s just hiding.
“And this is him with his favorite blanket. Isn’t he just adorable? I tell you, I heard him say ‘Daddy’ last night…”
“Mustang, he’s not even two months old.” Ed groaned, pushing the photograph away from his face. And it’s too fucking early in the morning.”
“Colt’s a genius, I tell you! He’ll be using complete sentences and doing alchemic arrays in no time.” Nothing could wipe the grin off Roy’s face as he gazed fondly at the picture of his son. “Oh, and here’s one of Colt with Black Hayate! He’s so good with animals!”
Ed smote his forehead against the table with a despairing moan.
Somewhere in the great beyond, Maes was laughing at him.
He just knew it.