
Aug 22, 2009 11:32

I has one :/ Or well, I had one last night, kinda, and there's still blood up there >__>;

DETAILS. I actually smashed my nose up.

MORE DETAILS. I had another fucking seizure. Just innocently chatting on aim, then I kinda felt those typical short-circuit-y zaps I feel every now and then... and then next thing I know I'm struggling to breathe, on the floor, without the strength to even move. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. They're getting to be more frequent now and it's PISSING ME OFF TO NO END. I've had more in the past couple of months than I've had my entire life. ARRRGH. I don't even understand WHY it's getting worse. It's not like I've had a change of lifestyle or anything. TT___TT

I'm going to see my neurologist within the next couple of weeks. I'm bloody willing to try anything he suggests now. Even if it means trying out that medication that made me depressed a few years back. I'll just... ugh. Deal with it. Or go see someone. Or... URRG.

I guess things could be worse though... but they could also be a lot better. *SIGH*

emo, epilepsy, seizure, fuckity

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