Jun 28, 2005 16:58
so ever since my last enrty things have been going great. I hung out with two of the people i wrote about a and i am really happy my birsthdays almost here and i got my lip pierced and won 100 bucks at bingo and got a new girlfriend...i put pics of her on mspace...and everythings just going really well...oh and i hungout with jessika and that was nice...i wish we got to see achother more, but she hopefully is coming with me on next weds to the bar...and my mom and joy called the labor and heatlh departments on my old boss and i am going to preusudcte him maybe for sexual harresment...and so we will see. and i got my lip pierced yay. and i died my hair red...and i might get my job back at howies and heathers coming in september...sorry to all u people that took too long u lost ur chances lol....oh well its all gravy b/c i am so happy yay.oh and im back on my meds too and might get insurance from SEMCA so i am outtie peace n love sharebear