Jan 31, 2007 23:58
The first one I remember having is I'm in college, something is bothering me as usual. Tommy, a guy in my ABLE courses was protecting to me over something thats all I remember. Partly due to the fact that I think he's A(the nicest guy on earth, and B(the cutest.) so what of
The second one is I'm talking to Tiffany, my brother's ex about a the "Song Alyssa Lies" for some reason. I show her the lyrics, she starts crying, as my parents walk in, we all three start to hug her. My brother is no where near this dream in any shape or form. Then she goes "You are the best people I've ever known."
The thrid a final dream was Brandon and I riding in his car. It was present day (Wednesday) He asked meif I wanted to go do something like the old days, but it was wierd like I knew we wernt together, but I still agreed. It felt like we were dating, but I knew we wernt. It was at night when we got back, we dropped off Ash, and went to go make out.... it was the oddest thing in the world!