Wow. Such busy

Apr 20, 2014 21:14

I've read plenty of articles lately about how being busy isn't really that great, and how people will complain about they have too much to do as a humblebrag to show how important they are and how much people like them and want to associate with them, and while I am slightly worried that this will come off that way, anyone who's interacted with me will know that being busy and having lots of stuff going on are pretty much complete anathema to me. I value free time really highly, but this week, for the first time in a long time, I ended up with something to do every night this week.

I'll provide them in handy list form.
  • Monday: First Seder. This one ran long, and I was sitting next to someone who...shall we say, tested my patience. I almost pulled a kirby and flipped the table, but we eventually escaped and went home, and then I had to go straight to bed in order to get up for work in the morning. So that set a bad tone for the week already.
  • Tuesday: Second Seder. It was much more subdued than First Seder and didn't fray my nerves nearly as much, but--in a tone that continues through this list--it was another full night taken up by an event. Still, after this one we got home and I had half an hour to rest before I had to go to bed, so that was nice.
  • Wednesday: Dinner at Sunshine Cafe with a friend who's leaving Chicago at the beginning of next month. This was nice and relaxing, but took up most of the night since softlykarou and I walked to the restaurant and walked back, which took a while. The weather's getting better, at least.
  • Thursday: My ORE Fallout game I'm running for softlykarou and a friend. They looted a hospital west of Wrigleyville and found a bunch of unspoiled drugs and stimpaks, which they're planning to haul back and use for bargaining material. If they can get them back with no complications... >_> That took up the whole night.
  • Friday: softlykarou and I had a friend over for dinner. Again, in isolation it was great, but after every night previously being taken up by something happening it added fuel to the fire.
  • Saturday: Third Seder. Not an official event, but this was when softlykarou, some other friends we know from her grad school, and I all had a seder together. At least I got some time to rest earlier in the day before we went over for the Seder, though softlykarou didn't really because she had to spend a lot of time cooking. We also had to turn down another invitation from some other friends to a housewarming due to the conflict, and by the time the Seder was over, we were too full of dessert, wine, and brisket to make it out again.
  • Sunday: Easter brunch at another friend's house. It was a bit difficult to get to, and then i decided to walk home because I needed to get the steps in. I ended up super-tired after I got home, and almost fell asleep lying on the floor, which is really unusual for me. It's why we had to turn down an invitation from tropicanaomega to attend an Easter dinner and egg-painting at her house.
All of those were fine in isolation, but stacking them all together like that... I was wondering why I was so incredibly tired today, and it might be because I walked for an hour home from Easter brunch in the sunlight--sunlight tends to leave me drained if I spend too much time in it--but it might just because I didn't really have much time to myself this week.

Next week looks to be much better on that score, though. Date night with softlykarou on Monday, and dinner with friends on Wednesday, and a VNV Nation concert on Saturday, but so far that's it. That's a bit more like what I'm used to.

chicago (シカゴ), rpgs (ロールプレイ ゲーム), party (宴会), judaism (ユダヤ教), daily life (生活)

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