Shitsuren Chocolatier episode 3

Jan 31, 2014 22:03

5min in and i am laughing like crazy! Matsumoto Jun WELL DONE! What this guy can do with just his face is crazy, adorable and funny at same time!
So, after being split up for a month, Souta still can't stop thinking about Saeko. Though his thoughts are little bit different(he can't remember everything as he used to) it is still about her and he feels sad thinking how he will maybe not see her ever again. Girl stops in front of the shop and just when Kaoruko opens shop in enters Erena. It is surprise to Souta but far from unpleasant one. They hug and act all close which makes Kaoruko doubt Soutas' word that nothing happened. Olivers lips are sealed and he says he knows nothing. Suddenly in enters Saeko. Gulp! Souta freezes and Erena turns after his gaze. She reads situation and gets ready to retreat with apology but Souta remembers that he is bad boy now and whirls her back in hug whispering that he will call her later. They smile at eachother before she leaves casting a glance at Saeko whos eyes are fixated at floor. Souta is the first one to talk and greets Saeko. She confesses of not being able to resist trying new product and next thing starts asking about "girl who just went". She is good looking, is she a model? Is she Soutas' girl he mentioned before? After brief consultation whit himself about what would bad guy do, Souta says they are just friend. Saeko giggles that friends don't act like that obviously pleased with answer. Kaoruko leaves feeling disgusted by this behavior. After seeing new chocolates, Saeko thinks they are somewhat different from other ones. She again confesses of wanting to come sooner but couldn't. Souta gets lost trying to read her expression cause she really looks like she wants to kiss him or something. But then remembers to be cool and just apologizes for happenings last time, he was harsh but assures her he is not angry. She gently tells she is glad nothing happened. Cause, you know, her friend and ex-boyfriend, it would be weird. Brainmeltdown! Souta realizes he was finally acknowledged as ex. Kaoruko snaps him out of it with phone call and probably saves him from doing something very uncool.
Later, Souta goes out with Erena. She makes sure she didn't inflict any damage and is happy that he is being able to meet his girl. Olivier arrives home to see Matsuri going out. She is going to meet with her friends' boyfriend. Girlfriend is not there so she is going despite knowing how it makes her be awful person. But she can't not go cause she really wants to see guy. She turns to go and Oliver points how sad it is that she is going to meet person she cares for wearing long face. They part both with tears in their eyes.
Next morning, it still weights on Olivers mind so when Souta asks him about it, he shares that he is nursing one-sided crush. He doesn't reveal who girl is but they share sweet bonding moment over it while Souta thinks how it is ridiculous that so many grown-ups are having that kind of problem. They should stop since his is painful enough. Kaoruko is brushing in front of shop when overhears Saeko giving advice over phone to her friend who is having goukon. She pretends of not having any advice to give but soon rattles how girl should wear flat shoes and light clothes. Kaoruko finds it odd since it is cold but gets shocked when Saeko explains that guys are sensitive about height(honestly not my experience) and if she gets cold guy will lend her jacket(again this is just semi-true, some guys are idiots). Poor Kaoruko is disturbed to realize she is not relationship-smart and runs in confusing Souta. Soon Saeko enter and he silently fawns over her but outside is totally cool and as they talk he even asks for her opinion what to make next. She gets excited and thinks his brand of Pain au chocolate(chocolate in pastries) would be delicious. He finds it interesting but the bun is problem. He digs in books and that is how Kaeruko finds him. She vetoes it saying they already have full hands and making bread is out of the question. He knows it is true but feels bad to say he can't do it. Understandable.
Matsuri comes in the shop to help out since her classes are over. She greets Oliver and he asks about her thing. She confides that guy said he will dump her friend. She should be happy but can't knowing her friend will get hurt. Oliver thinks she should be happy anyway cause guy chose her but cautions her that guys often doesn't keep that kind of promises.
Later, after Souta asks him, Oliver tells girl is at the moment seeing some bad guy. He is waiting for the moment. Souta is surprised that Olivier is passive but he knows how girl should see what bad person is guy she is seeing right now. After that she is more likely to accept Olivier. Souta thinks this is
good lesson in "how bad guys think". Saekos' life is not actually so rosy after all. Her husband is not at home whole day and being chef-editor means he is often absent at night too. When she wants to go on a trip with her girlfriends he doesn't allow it, even when she suggests to stay just one day, citing that it is not right for wife to go without husband. Says who?! He grumbles about even having to think about this stuff before leaving Saeko alone again. Excuse me Mister Important!
Matsuri returns home early finding only Olivier there. She had fight with boyfriend and then got drunk. She realized guy was just as Olivier said and wants to dump him. But realizes she can't and thinks how she is becoming worse and worse. Olivier is forcing himself to stare at anime but lack of noise makes him turn. Matsuri is already asleep. His eyes catch her bare legs and make him jump to announce he is going to sleep. When she doesn't react he decides to cover her. It leads to wiping tears from her cheek. But that is also not enough and he kisses her on forehead. It wakes her and before she knows it he is planting a kiss. Woah there! She pushes past Souta who just got home. He gets annoyed but seeing Olivier petrified still on same place makes him realize something is off. Olivier apologizes and gets clean about kissing Matsuri. Souta thinks other girl rejected him so he ended miserable and soughed solace or something(watching too much dramas) but Olivier points that girls he likes is Matsuri. Souta ends up in Erenas' apartment and she is annoyed that he is complaining so much. They lie in bed and he confesses how thinking about other people makes him forget about his love life. He also sometimes fantasies how Saeko sleeps with her husband but thinks of him. Erena finds it boring. Since he is using imagination he should do it right. Like: Saeko refuses to sleep with husband and eating Soutas' chocolate fantasies about sleeping with him. Souta gets excited and asks for her fantasy so she comes out: when waiting for traffic light she meets her crush who recognizes her. They go to eat and then to hotel; she gets pregnant and raises kid on her own happy till rest of her life. Souta is all confused but she really can't think of anything else. Guy is after all so far from her. She curls sadly telling him that his side has so much potential so he should try and he hugs her gently thinking how his story may sound better but he feels like just a fan. That night, he dreams about Saeko telling him that she doesn't care about pan or chocolate, he is reason why she keeps coming. Noise wakes him and he thinks how he is such a fool. Erena is so happy jumping up and down.
Erena: I'm so happy! Riku-chan, i love you! You are an angel!*turns to see Souta being awake* Ah, sorry Souta-kun, did i wake you?
Lol! Way to out that you are bf with both guys. Riku asks if he heard right but she is so busy thinking about going to manicure and stuff that he starts to yell before catching himself. But it is too late, she hung up and whole cafe is looking at him. HAHA! She shares her good news with Souta: Riku knows bands promoter and is taking her to bands' after party that night. Souta is honestly happy for her and thinks how there is still chance for him. Later in the shop, Kaoruko finds him doing something new. Actually he remade old orange-chocolate mousse to have stronger orange smell and better flavor. She likes it and gets surprised cause he says it is for other people like him, who nurse one-sided love. Though he would never put Kaoruko in that basket thinking she doesn't waste her time on that kind of stuff. It seems to him she has high standards and wants guy who looks good and is good so if guy doesn't approach himself she doesn't dwell on in for long. Pfffft! Son you have no idea! But she confirms it all saying she doesn't get whole loong crush he has for Saeko. In fact she doesn't understand why would any guy fall for cutesy act girl obviously put. Souta explains that it is exactly thing that makes guy think she is cute, she is trying too hard to get cute. Guys are tickheaded so they think: how cute it is that she is trying so hard! Ummm... where to start...
Later Saeko is in the shop and admires Kaoruko: she is working in this kind of shop which means she is really good, her job is fun and she earns for herself. Kaoruko is flattered but brushes it aside pointing how Saeko has lovely husband while her own love life is recently non-existing with history full of failures. Saeko au contraire thinks having good job is better, spending your own money the way you want without having to suffer complains. Kaoruko is not staying for the money but cause she likes here. Saeko: Yapari, suki desu yo nee...
You sly girl, she is implying Kaoruko likes someone. Kaoruko blurres how she wishes to have Saekos' ability to attract men but corrects it to hearing how Saeko is popular, she probably got every guy she wanted. Saeko denies it saying there was guy who never reacted even when she came to his house wearing extra-mini skirt. And glances at Souta who is too busy making something. Aha, so that non-existing skirt was intentional. She continues saying that it made her so angry that she told guy her fiancee is her destiny and she is happy. But thinks if her life would be different if guy then reacted. That night she opens box from "choco la vie" and enjoys it. Her husband tells her he is going to bed and she refuses to go with him saying she will gain weight if she does. He complains about her giving him cold sholder for that trip but leaves her alone. She ignores him and enjoys every bite of her chocolate. Did Erenas' prediction come
Next morning Matsuri again skips breakfast and Father is curious if she has guy. Olivier hilariously becomes all formal confessing his feelings for Matsuri and asking for permission to ask her. Reactions are: Dad is trilled, Souta urges him to rethink. Olivier is the heir and will meet some great woman soon. But Olivier is determined and thinks himself lucky for having chance to meet someone as Matsuri. As soon as Olivier is out of the room Father starts practicing how to greet parents. HA! Souta thinks abotu Matsuris' feelings when his phone rings. It is Erena who just called to say she is meeting with her crush tonight. She is obviously nervous(beside looking fabulous) but smiles when he tells her to go for it. He thinks how both Olivier and Erena stepped forward while he is the only one staying in the same place.
Souta: Don't i need to move?
Saeko calls her friend to apologize for not going and after enters "choco la vie". Her mood lifts after seeing Souta and she asks him if he has time on next free day to go out with her. Since he has shop he must have good taste in tablewear and she wants to buy it for her friend who is getting married. He suggests Olivier but she just wants him. After few painfully long seconds where they just look at eachother, Souta lets little grin and excuses himself cause he is really busy and even on day off needs to do stuff for shop. I think Kaoruko feels little bad for her. But Saeko just slaps huge smile and orders two mousses, cause yunno, she is eating with her HUSBAND. Souta asks if her Mr is ok and she says he is. They continue like everything is ok. When out Saeko casts sad look. She comes to the railroad and has to wait till train passes and her phone rings. It is Souta who tells her he is free on Wensday. Train passes while Saekos' heart stops. On the other end, Kaeruko praises his bad boy behavior saying it is just what bad guy would do, manipulate. Souta finds it all wrong, she should be strict like she always is and scold him. It surprises her. He washes his face saying he shouldn't be so excited but he is. He knows he is stupid for it. Olivier waits in front of Matsuris school and when she spots him she tries to pass by but he stops her. Erena contemplates her ticket before entering the concert. In front of "choco la vie" handsom man in black stops before entering. Kaeruko greets him before realizing it is guy from Ricdor who praised her hairstyle. We still don't get his name but it is Sekiya Hiroaki playing by, well hi there handsome Shige! Ladies and gentleman, Kato Shigeaki from NEWS. She thanks him for last time and wants to go get Souta thinking it is about business. But guy calls her by her name and asks to have dinner with him that night.
Souta works and it downs that he is just shopping company for a housewife, nothing more... With big smile, Saeko creates in her mobile appointment calling it date, all with heart. She seems really happy.
They are blowing up my mind! Seriously, i don't know how i will wait till next episode!
Not just amore part, which is amazing, but in this episode we have real life conflicts: how men see what is cute vs how women see it? Married woman vs working girl. Do girls who take their friends boyfriend deserve to be happy? Or is building happiness on someone elses' misfortune really not possible? Don't get me started about what married woman should or should not do without her husband.

ikemen, johnny's, ishihara satomi, jdrama, matsumoto jun, mizukawa asami

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