MOVIE: KISARAZU CAT'S EYE: WORLD SERIES ORIGINATING COUNTRY: Japan EXTRA NOTES: 347 RAW and somr hardsubbed captures (JTV fansub version) - 1024 x 576 pixel - jpg - 35.17 MB DOWNLOADS: HERE
MOVIE: KISARAZU CAT'S EYE: NIHON SERIES ORIGINATING COUNTRY: Japan EXTRA NOTES: 119 RAW and hardsubbed captures (JTV fansub version) - 720 x 396 pixel - jpg - 6.13 MB DOWNLOADS: HERE
MOVIE: Virgin Snow ORIGINATING COUNTRY: Japan, Korea EXTRA NOTES: 393 PNGs in total; 624 x 352 in size; 112 MB. SAMPLE CAPS: Here DOWNLOADS: MegaUpload
MOVIE: Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai / I'm Calling You ORIGINATING COUNTRY: Japan EXTRA NOTES: 88 jpegs in total; 654 x 352 in size; a few include subtitles in them, but majority don't. SAMPLE CAPS: Here DOWNLOADS: