May 20, 2010 02:01
What? If it's good enough for new programmers, it's good enough... well... okay.
So, here I am. Long after the livejournal craze has died, long after it was the cool thing to use. Yet, here I am. I needed something that my friends are not one\. Ya’ll aren’t on here are you? Something that I can use to force myself to write, that came out wrong. I love writing, but I sometimes get distracted by life. Who doesn’t? I feel awful at the end of the day if I didn’t get some type of writing or at least manage to make part of a story. I’ve always told myself stories, ever since I can remember. It’s only in the past couple of years that I’ve decided to start writing them down.
So, here I am. I love repetition sometimes. Anyways, here’s my road to Hell pavement. Good intentions I mean. I’ll post something three times a week. I was about to say daily, but then I realized that with my lack of discipline daily might be hard. Then again isn’t that the point? Daily… I shall attempt daily. Hopefully pre-midnight, I dislike being up late, but sometimes I just can’t sleep. Often I can use that time to write, even if it’s just random rambling that serves no obvious purpose. Although, I suppose any head-shrinkers that got their eyeballs to looking over this might find it an interesting view of my thought process.
I’ll be honest, I’m going to probably use one of the many variations of the 100 themes idea that’s been floating around. Especially when I feel stuck for an idea, in a continuation of this honesty, I’ve done some of them already. I’m a college student, luckily I’m on my summer break so no homework. Which means that theoretically I’ve got time to write, but it does give me a “buffer”, hopefully that does NOT mean I’ll get complacent and think “oh I’ve got five more things after this, I’m good”.
Perhaps you would like to know more about me? My name is Dora, I’m a student at TTU where I major in English Literature. Yes, three letters is all you get of my college’s name. I would love to make a living through writing, but I can easily see myself working at a library or running a bookstore. That’s all information about what I’m doing and what I’d like to do though, what/who I am is a more complicated answer. There is more of spontaneity in me than of the planner; however, when I make plans I see them through. I am both cynical and an optimist. Somehow it works. I’d enjoy rambling about my theories on why it works, but that can be a topic for another day. I love to make people laugh, even at the cost of my (nonexistent) dignity.
When I'm not in school I live with my mother, we're very much alike, both in appearance and attitude. There are differences of course, for example I tend to be more reserved than she is, and I have darker hair. Sometimes it scares me how similar we are, because I don't want to live her life. Of course, having seen her life and knowing that I don't want to be like that may help me avoid it. Step one: don't let myself get into a dependent relationship with anyone. Step two: see step one. My biggest goal in life is self sufficiency, but I think part of me wants it to just fall into my lap, even though the logical part of me knows that isn't how life works.
In addition to writing I also love to draw, I don't feel that I'm very good though, but I still hope to complete a comic book someday. I also enjoy playing the flute, piano, guitar, and violin. The last two I'm still very much in the learning stages of, my goal with guitar is to be able to play “Classical Gas” from memory, if I can manage it drunk talk about a way to pick up chicks. Am I right?
Anyways. I'm thinking that for the majority of the 100 themes I'm gonna use Megan Black and Violet Tuffle. I've got this whole basic storyline/world set up worked out, but I've not actuallly gotten it complete. Plus, I've found that those two work best in short stories. Besides maybe it'll get them to stop nagging me about not using them... I'm not crazy! What? You're characters don't tell you to use them or else they'll do horrible things to your sleeping patterns and thought processes? Lucky you in that case. Or maybe not. It'd probably get awfully dull and lonely without the extra thoughts...
Here's a quick run down of the girls and their lives. Megan is a dark-haired green-eyed goth type, who tends to keep to herself. She's fourteen years old, a freshmen in high school, when a new girl moves to town (yeah, I know tis cliche, but it works!). This new girl is secretly an Esper. The Espers are a group of people who, for whatever reason, have extra mental functions. At least, that's the p.c. phrasing, in laymen's terms: they're a bunch of psychic freaks. Violet is an empath, an emotion reader. Obviously school is pretty much hell, but she manages. Oh, guess what? The reason Megan is so stand-offish towards everyone? Yeah, she's an Esper too. Telekinesis is her power. One day in about second grade, some kids were playing keep away with another girl's doll, and she floated it back to the girl. Well, the teacher figured out it was her, because the teacher's an Esper as well, now the teacher would've kept quiet about it, but some of the students figured it out as well. Word got out and Megan was ridiculed as a freak. She scared them into leaving her alone. Which isn't surprising, I mean come on a pissed off girl who can move things with her mind?
Back to the point. Megan has scared nearly everyone in school since elementary days (smallish town (or at least a mid-sized town that thinks it's a small town), business owners recognize customers by sight and name, and all the kids have been going to school together since pre-school). Violet is new, doesn't know anyone and sees one girl sitting by herself, the only empty desks in the class are next to her, so she sits. All of her classes, same story. They manage a couple weeks not talking, Vi's shy, and Meg's just in the habit of not talking to people. One day Vi walks into her homeroom class early, like 'no one else should be here' early. To her surprise Megan is there, and so is a floating pencil. Things go from there, and the two girls end up best friends.
100 themes