So... Leeds Festival 2011

Aug 30, 2011 14:37

Got back from Leeds yesterday, so tired and sore! I sound like a bloke (more so than usual) and i woke up at half 11 this morning quite willing to sleep some more.
Got up at quarter to 4, on the coach at quarter to 5. Arrived at the Festival at half 2, pitched my tent on a hill and promptly got no sleep whatsoever due to the music playing til 6 in the morning about 200 metres away from my tent. Cue mental breakdown.
Ridiculously tired, and emotionally drained. Walked to main arena to look around and see some new bands in the pissing rain, traipsed through a crazy amount of mud and got filthy. Saw Panic at The Disco at about half 5, who were really good, played mostly songs I know, a couple I didn't, really enjoyed them. Then sort of hung around until Muse played at 9pm. I don't really know what to say about Muse since they played the only album I really don't know (Origins of Symmetry) from start to finish, then played some of their more famous songs. Crowd was really fired up, they played Knight of Cydonia as an encore, it was amazing!
Somebody stole my wellies overnight, so I had to trek into the city (after playing £7 for a return bus ticket), buy a new pair of wellies for a tenner from Primark, but at least I managed to have a shower at my friends hotel in Leeds. Got back at about 2pm ish, bimbled about and then went to the main arena to see 30STM and MCR. Sweet Jesus it was the best 4 hours of my life, despite a few minor hiccups. Jared Leto really whipped the crowd into a total frenzy, which was kinda scary but so awesome at the same time. Loads of crowd surfers, one of whom was dropped on me, causing me and another girl to fall to the floor, and me to have a small panic attack, but once I was stood back up I was ready and raring to go again! Got to the barrier right at the end of 30STM, and actually quite a few people left before MCR. Stayed at the front, but lost my mates during MCR, and considering I am not a fan of crowds I think I did really well! Words cannot describe what MCR were like, their stage presence was just immense. The only downer was this total bitch was basically screaming in my ear the whole time, elbowing me in the face, and pissing everyone off, so I kept kicking her :) and noone let her go to the front and basically told her to fuck off :P
Slept in my friends tent, got a fairly decent nights kip. Weather perked up so less muddy and less sticky. Saw Russell Kane (an awesome comedian) which cheered me up, and I packed some of my kit ready to go on Monday. Went to the main arena, saw Madness who were really good and then wandered kind of aimlessly for a while, then went to see the Strokes at main stage. Promised my friend that I would let her get on my shoulders to see if she could get on screen, which in hindsight was quite funny seeing as she is taller than me... Anyway I did, she didn't get on screen so I put her back down again. I knew 2 of the songs but I thought they were quite good. Then I saw another girl wearing a tiger onesie from Primark on a guys shoulder so I got Annie back up again next to her, adamant they would put her on screen, but they didn't :( then we went to see The Midnight Beast at the Festival Republic Stage, who were really good too :)
Basically packed up, saw my friends off and then headed to the coach. We were supposed to arrive at London Victoria at 5.40pm, but we got there at 4.10pm. My coach to Poole didn't leave until 7.30pm. So I asked if there was any space on the 5pm coach to Poole, and I got the last seat! So instead of getting home at 10pm I was home at 8pm, had some dinner, a bath and then crashed out in bed, and woke up at half 11 this morning!
So all in all I had a lovely time, probs would camp again, and due to being a student next year I would probs just get a day ticket.
Would recommend the festival for anyone who is thinking about it, and well done to anyone who bothered reading this post!
Ta-ta for now you lovely people!
C x

festival, happy times, leeds, wow this is a long post, sleepy

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