The next 5 days...

Aug 24, 2011 20:44

...are going to be freaking awesome!!!
Leeds Festival 2011, camping, booze, friends, Muse, My Chem, 30STM, and PATD. I am literally squealing with joy at the moment!
Although, I have to get up at 3.45am tomorrow to be on the coach for 4.45am, to arrive at the festival at 2.30pm, thats right, 10 HOURS on a coach... with no Blackberry, no iPad, and only a 1GB iPod Shuffle for company. Wahooooooooo!
Alas, due to this, I will be away from my computer and the internet in general til late Monday/early Tuesday, so noone post anything amazingly important, okay? :P
Only joking, but I shall look forward to approximately 200 emails only from LJ, haha.
Ta-ta for now m'dears :)
C x

music, zomg i'm totally gonna die, leeds, yay!!, mucho excitement

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