Oct 11, 2005 12:42
I Need: to eat sometime soon.
I Want: to practise more, especially on people.
I Wish: I was 100% well so I could conquer my world.
I Love: Wendy, my family, my pets, and my friends, whom I could not live without.
I Hate: Rainbow Trout, after last nights experience.
I Miss: being able to go anywhere I want, when I want, and not panicking.
I Fear: that my illness will affect me my entire life.
When Was The Last Time You
Smiled? When I got up, and went to the kitchen to get a coffee. Gretchen was outside, so I called her, and she came bolting in to say hello. Made me feel loved.
Cried? Monday week ago. Wends and I had a fight.
Bought Something? I bought food yesterday for Wendys dinner tonight.
Danced? Yesterday, in the car.
Were Sarcastic? Yesterday to Pauline, but we're always sarcastic to each other.
Kissed Someone? 20 mins ago.
Talked to an Ex? Sam and Lisa came over for dinner on Sunday, but I'll probably talk to Liz today.
Watched your favorite movie? I dont have a single favourite movie.
Had a nightmare: Saturday.
Last book you read: Crossing Over by John Edward, and am in the middle of Harry Pothead now.
Last movie you saw: Sister Act on TV.
Last song you heard: Dunno what its called, the radio was on.
Last thing you had to drink: Coffee, the elixir of life!!! Otherwise Sarsparilla cordial.
Last time you showered: Am going to as soon as I've finished this.
Last thing you ate: Left over pasta last night for dinner.
Do You
Smoke? Nup, not since I was like 20.
Do drugs? Only prescription, wouldn't touch the other stuff.
Have sex? Yep, surely do.
Sleep with stuffed animals? Sometimes, when Wends is away. Bixby keeps me warm.
Live in the moment? Try to.
Have a girlfriend? My beautiful partner Wendy.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? Not specifically a dream, more of a theme in my dreams.
Play an instrument? Nothing well. Did a little keyboarding. I was a master recorder player in primary school!
Believe there is life on other planets? I know there is life on other planets.
Remember your first love? I certainly do, I am still friends with her.
Still love him/her? Sure, I still love Sam, but not in the way I did love her.
Read the newspaper? Occassionally. I prefer to read the local paper though.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? No way.. dirty pervs!!! LOL THe majority of my mates are queer.
Believe in miracles? Sure.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Yeah, I think it is.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? Most of the time. However, I dont bother wasting my time on people that aren't worthy of my time.
Consider love a mistake? How can an emotion be a mistake?
Like the taste of alcohol? Love spirits and liquors, dont drink beer, wine or champagne. Fave drinks are port and Tia Maria.
Have a favorite candy? Red Vines, but you cant get them in Australia anymore.
Believe in magic? I create magic.
Believe in God? I believe in a Higher Power.
Pray? not in the same sense most would. I ask my guides for support and help.
Go to church? No, I dont believe in organised religion.
Have any secrets? For sure.
Have any pets? Yep, Gretchen, our kitten. Also 2 dogs, Shadow and Sooty, but they live with my parents. We also have fish.
Do well in school? I did when I was there.
Have a major? Holistic Healing
Talk to strangers who instant message you? Occassionally, depends on my mood.
Wear hats? Used to, but I like odd hats. I REALLY want a top Hat.
Have any piercings? Nah, only my ears.
Have any tattoos? Nope, and cant get one unfortunately.
Hate yourself? Not anymore, have gone through phases where I have.
Have an obsession? Not really.
Collect anything? Dvds, books, and now I am collecting hippy items, crystals and stuff.
Have a best Friend? Have a few REALLY close friends that give me different things, but Jaclyn is my longest friend.
Wish on stars? Only shooting ones.
Like your handwriting? Not at all, I dont write often enough to improve it, and when I do write I cant write for long because of my wrist.
Have any bad habits? Laziness.
Care about looks? Not overly, but to a degree yes.
Believe in witches? I am a witch, a purple one.
Believe in Satan? No.
Believe in ghosts? Certainly do, although I prefer to call them spirits.