it's a shame theRe's no one to blame...

Jan 31, 2004 00:12

so alot of my own peRsonal dRama is now oveR... i'm staying out of eveRyone else's too... i've still got enough going on with myself and my family to keep me occupied foR quite some time...

i didn't go to school thuRsday, and we had a snowday today, so i'll be having myself a fouR day weekend, unless i keep feelin sick like this, in which case i'll be having a five oR six day weekend, but i doubt mom and dad would let me...

someone seems to be angRy at me foR having a slip-up and ReveRting to my old (and knowledgably stupid) ways of dealing with my pRoblems... i have a hunch on who it is, but i'll say nothing, and if anyone asks me then i'll almost definitely know who it is, but i won't admit... eh *shRugs* it's not as though it matteRs anyway... i would say i'm glad you caRe so much, but since when does caRing about someone mean bitching at them when they'Re having pRetty much the haRdest time dealing with things... it just seems alittle cold and incompassionate, and hey, maybe i deseRved it... but theRe's a time foR Revenge, and it is not when someone is most vulneRable... that's not Revenge, that's hittin someone when they'Re down, which is entiRely unfaiR...

so i've Recently somehow managed to acquiRe a deep inteRest in my astRological sign, and compaRing it to otheRs to see how much of my Relationships with otheR people has been deteRmined by outside foRces... it seems that i suRRound myself with libRa's fiRst off... all of which i have somewhat unhealthy Relationships with... my mom, maRshall, ben (iRwin), jessie-ca... tyleR and emmillose aRe my opposites in the astRology spectRum which would fuRtheR explain how things between tyleR and i changed so fast, and how emmillose and i have been fRiends as long as we have... nic and hillaRie aRe leo's, which appaRently love audiences (obvious foR nic, not quite so appaRent foR dolly), and theRe's some otheR stuff that makes them undeniably compatible (nic and i) but also pRone to aRguments (dolly and i)... ben (fosteR) and i aRe both scoRpios, which makes foR a veRy sexual and also manipulative and suspicious Relationship, which would help explain why i cannot tRust him (along with his pRoving himself untRustwoRthy)... heh... gReat

welp, it's about midnight, and i'm not Really tiRed, but feel the need to stop typing so much... oh!! b.t.w. foR anyone who has eveR wondeRed (i know that like no one is inteRested) i type at about 75/79 woRds peR minute... hooRay foR... whateveR it is that's gotten me to type so fast...

heh... gnitynite, i guess...
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