And After The Third Day

Jun 06, 2007 12:41

The sun rose on the third day and I awoke to find where my smiles had lay.
Those bastards!

Sleep. Anyone* can tell you I don't get enough. Anyone can tell you that I don't need much to get by. But as I get older, I guess I'm going to have to start listening to my body.

It doesn't help that I've developed a pheen for Monster Lo-Carb (the green one is too sweet) which helps me skip a few naps here and there and have dropped all sorts of starbucks out of my life I know *GASP* but the calories man, the CALORIES! (30 calories bigger boost, better buzz > 220 calories and a trip to the bathroom) Although I won't lie; ultimately in the end, I still prefer coffee.

However, due to recent activities, work, labor, projects and just various stupid things, I've been left with vacancies in my sleep check boxes. Basically, when it comes down to it, other concerns weighed heavily in favor of getting done over sleep, thus leaving myself, neglecting sleep and ending up comatose - pretty much.

So in an effort to stay better focused for work and all kinds of other nonsense, I've somewhat loosely vowed to myself that I would make time for sleep, or rather, just budget better for it. So instead of that last minute or hour of tv catch up, or grind for Sha' tari Sky Guard rep (zomgnerdwtf), I'm gonna sleep.

Dkd clocked in: 48 hours of sleep over the past 72 hours (66% sleeping) - NOICE!

- - -

*Anyone: Anyone who knows me well enough

insomnia, sleep, no sleep

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