Taiko continues! At my first lesson, my quad cramped up during the warmup and I was in severe pain for three days. Whoops! Lesson the Second was better. Ringtaro's not charging me because I'm going to help him with some translations, organizing workshops, and applying for grants. It's like a second job... or whoring myself out for lessons from an expert. one of the two!
It feels great to work hard at something like that, though. It's only once a week, but my muscles feel like jelly when I'm done in a great way. It's not work, and it's not drama, it's just beating a damn drum. I'm the only white person and the only unmarried woman in the class and I love it.
I wish
sbinjp was here to enjoy it with me! She would stick her tongue out as she concentrates. I would have a very confused look on my face. Then we would give up, and start trying to hit each other with sticks. God I miss taiko Mondays in Kameoka.
Today I saw the New Moon movie with the bf because - get this - he reviews movies and he wanted to see it from a purely "movie critic" standpoint. I wanted to see it because I started reading the books and hated them but kept reading, and then saw the first movie and hated it but got really excited for the DVD release, and now... yes. You see the pattern. Any way it was about what I expected. There was an older audience in the theater, so people giggled a lot at the blatant fanservice shots of Jacob with no shirt on. I assume that in theaters with younger people, there would have been audible sighs of adoration and much squealing instead.
It was nice to see a movie, because really, this is the calm before the storm. I'm going in to work tomorrow because I really have to. It's impossible to get anything done for the Holiday Dinner while I'm trying to answer emails and phone calls and demands from my boss. I predict next week will mean working late, with a few days over Thanksgiving weekend reserved for office time. Gross.
So if you don't hear from me, that's where I am: at work. Because I care too goddamn much.