Title: the devil is a bagman (Across the Universe 06)
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Rating/Warnings: M+
Genre: angst/drama/mafia
Characters/Pairings: Yamamoto, Gokudera, other khr cast (8059)
Word Count: 16,040 total; 8,784 for this part
Beta: None officially for this part.
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and all affiliated characters and settings are the creative property of Akira Amano, Shueisha, Weekly Shounen Jump, and any other companies holding the title to its license and distribution (VIZ Media, etc.). Used without permission for non-profitable entertainment purposes.
Notes: So, by the time I actually sat down to write this one, it started growing. Exponentially. Uh;;; This is broken into two parts, as it's too large to post on a single LJ post. The second part is written--I'm just going to let it sit a few days to make sure it's where I want it to be before I post it. |D But in the meantime, here is part 1 of this particular installment??
oh_simone is such a wonderful human being, since she (once again) read over this for me & assured me it didn't suck as badly as I feared. ;w; (I still think if you haven't read any of her stuff, you're sorely missing out on awesome fic!!)
I'm sorry this part took so long, yet again! But I promise--we're headed much closer to a conclusion of sorts, so only a few more updates before this is caught up!
Yamamoto barely has a chance to activate his own flames and pull its sword out of its sheath before he’s attacked by one of the Jopok. More seem to come streaming in from the back door of the bar, like they’d been waiting for this fight. It’s clear that this has been part of Lee’s plan since the beginning, and a sick feeling pools in Yamamoto’s stomach as he realizes how outnumbered they are. * link leads to AO3, which is now the permanent home for this fic (and also has both parts of this installment in one convenient spot).