Title: red sky at morning (Across the Universe 05)
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Rating/Warnings: T
Genre: angst/drama/mafia
Characters/Pairings: Yamamoto, Gokudera, Shamal, Tsuna, Ryohei, other khr cast (8059)
Word Count: 8,169
Beta: None officially for this part... yet?
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and all affiliated characters and settings are the creative property of Akira Amano, Shueisha, Weekly Shounen Jump, and any other companies holding the title to its license and distribution (VIZ Media, etc.). Used without permission for non-profitable entertainment purposes.
Notes: Again, here I am updating this sucker a few months out. ;A; AND YES, AGAIN, I AM APOLOGIZING. Bad-at-writing-quickly-Rinja is... well, bad at writing quickly. |DDD
FIRST OF ALL, thank you SO much to
oh_simone, who peeked over this for me & assured me it didn't suck as badly as I feared. ;w; (I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help, bby! And yes, it really did help!) By the way, guys, idk if you have ever read anything by her, but she's super-awesome. \o/
SECONDLY, I want to wish an early happy birthday to
magicasen! I hope you have an awesome day tomorrow, bby! ♥
And..... since I have a tendency to babble a lot, I'll keep this short. |D I hope you guys enjoy this section! It's a little slower as far as the action goes, but a lot of important things going on here. And yes, the next section will have more explanation (and a hell of a lot of action, if it goes as planned...). Hopefully it won't take me quite so long to grind out! ;w;b
Ah, normalcy. These last few months have settled into a nice morning routine, and Gokudera sometimes has a hard time just enjoying them for what they are. * link above leads to AO3, which is now the permanent home of this fic.