Sep 13, 2007 17:48
I took advantage of a free health screening at work today, results:
Blood pressure,
Systolic: 132
Diastolic: 66
Pulse: 59
Cholesterol: 171
HDL: 67
LDL: 84
Triglycerides: 101
Glucose: 100
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 156.6
BMI: 21.2
Waist: 28 (they measure higher up than one would for pants, I'm not really that thin..)
Body Fat: %5.5
I skewed the test results by eating beforehand, sort of on purpose for my own lulz, sort of because I was just really hungry and unwilling to wait, but I still managed to score normal or borderline normal on everything. My blood sugar is at the exact border between normal and above average when one is fasting(and half of the 200 I needed to score to make it over normal for my non-fasting state), I found that pretty amusing. Need moar diabetes.