Oct 21, 2012 19:51
Hey guys! (Well, all two of you.) Sorry I've been neglecting fandom/lj/virtual life lately. RL got a little hectic, and then I was sick again, and here we are.
Ten days after I promised I'd come back tomorrow. Yeah.
Anyways, I'm baaa~ack!
So, during my long absence, one of my friends was sending me avengers links, which was basically my only connection to fandom at all. And then, lo and behold, when I was sitting the common room working on my German homework what comes on but the Avengers? So of course I left it on and even glanced at it every once in a while, and something just...clicked, because I went back and actually read some of the fics I'd been sent.
All I have to say is this: Coulson lives! ... No, really. They're making a S.H.I.E.L.D. tv show and he's the main character. That's right. Avengers fandom:
1) came up with one of the least likely epileptic trees in the history of epileptic trees.
2) watched it get Kripke'd.
3) by Joss himself.
4) completely ignored the irony in favor of reveling in its righteousness and/or pessimistically theorizing the series takes place before the movie.
Anyways! Teen Wolf. Who doesn't love Teen Wolf? No one who reads this journal, that's who. My one-shot-with-the-world's-worst-ending has officially been sent off to Kasia, so now I'm just waiting for her reaction. (Hint: I'm suspecting she'll think the ending needs some work.) It's not a beta, except for the part where I'm asking her to read it and tell me what she thinks before I post it anywhere people can see it.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Also, this reaction is so old it's not even funny, but around the time of the AfterElton polls what was up with people saying that slash was only non-canonical gay pairings?!?! Like, wtf. I've been at least peripherally in fandom since I was 12 years old, and I have never heard people use slash like that. In fact, I've heard seen people explicitly refer to ships such as Janto as slash. So where on God's green Earth did they get that ridiculous idea from?
Well, seeing no raised hands, I'll answer my own question: they got it from the EW poll that kicked the whole thing off. Remember how they said that Sterek couldn't be included because it wasn't canon, and then we complained that they couldn't exclude us just because it was slash?
Yeah. Apparently some people thought that we were actually talking about the same thing.
I know it's pretty much exclusively people outside of fandom who were drawing that conclusion, and I'm sure most of them have been corrected, but it's still frustrating, largely because it means anyone who comes into fandom post-AfterElton polls (it's like a dating system! BAE and AAE! ...yeah, I'm a little tired right now) will think that the term "slash" exclusively applies to pairings sans-canonical tension, which draws lines in the sand that fandom does not. In fact, as I'm sure you know, one of the things that's so exciting about Sterek is that it's slash in a mainstream US show that has the potential to become canon.
Don't let EW define and re-define our terms. It is to their benefit to define slash as non-canonical, because it enables them to point out how many LGBT ships aren't canon through the use of our own jargon. There is no separate terminology, no dividing line, for canon and non-canon het pairings; don't let them force it onto us for slash. It separates slash from het, points it out as something different, something needing more definition than het, implying that it's bad and unusual and unnatural.
I beg of you, fandom, if you never listen to me on anything else, if you never pay attention to anything else I have to say: don't give EW this power over us. Respond, deny that slash is somehow necessarily not canon, establish us as powerful and vibrant and no longer willing to put up with mainstream nonsense as we did so beautifully in the creation of the AfterElton polls.
Being a part of fandom shouldn't be something that is ridiculed, and our terminology shouldn't be allowed to be taken out of our hands, degraded by those who look down on us.
Also, I'm using my Rory the Roman icon even though this has nothing to do with Doctor Who, because Rory's awesome and he communicates my feelings on the above subject quite nicely.
teen wolf,
anthro major y'all,
times they are a-changin,
ew sucks,
the interwebs,
am i being thoughtful or just weird,
is this even relevant,