Dumb Stuff I Gotta Do

Mar 29, 2007 07:59

My 101 Things to do in 1001 Days

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Start Date: March 29, 2007
End Date: December 24, 2009

I gave myself challenging yet achievable goals. I'd much rather give up fast food for a month, but I'm using these goals as a starting off point so that if I achieve them at the minor levels, I can keep going.

Creating the list was very fun and harder than I thought it would be. I urge any of you to try it and we can root each other on!

Progress 15/101

1. Write in my journal at least once a week for a whole month april 07
2. Bring my lunch to work for two "work" weeks (10/10 days) complete 5/9/07
3. adopt a dog
4. Read 10 new books (2/10 Necklace of Kisses, The Lovely Bones, Harry Potter 7)
5. strike>invite all my friends over for games complete 03/28/09
6. donate to a charity
7. leave the country
8. send package to Bex for her birthday
9. surprise Ben on his birthday 6/23
10. Go on a walk at least once a week for a month
11. learn to play my guitar
12. dye my hair 4/29/07
13. get the titles changed on the cars
14. see about getting car/renter's insurance complete 4/12
15. plan some kind of honeymoon
16. vote in every election I am eligible for
17. clean out my closet and give away any clothes I haven't worn for a year
18. send all my grandparents birthday cards (Grandma Lady 3/19)
19. open new bank account with husband 5/07
20. make dentist appointment.
21. re-read entire harry potter series in sequence
20. re-read 20 of my favorite books
21. review the new movies I see in my journal (sort of)
22. comment on 10 of my friend's journal entries in a week
23. go to australia/nz
24. go down one clothing size
25. go fishing
26. go hiking
27. get my mom's old recipes and try them
28. attempt nanowrimo
29. get a nintendo wii complete 4/29/07
30. shoes splurge- buy a pair I really like, no matter the cost complete 4/15/07
31. handbag splurge- buy a bag I really like, no matter the cost complete 5/29/07
32. cook dinner for Ben once a week for six weeks
33. eat at the dinner table once a month for six months (or as long as I can)
34. re-read my German text book
35. buy new seat covers for the Camry
36. get the Saturn fixed
37. get rid of both of Ben's old cars
38. clean and organize the living room
39. buy a new couch
40. get the twin bed out of the living room
41. go to a swap meet
42. see five movies in the theatre this year (6/5 Grindhouse, Hot Fuzz, Blades of Glory, Knocked Up, Superbad, The Simpsons Movie)
43. write a short story before the end of the year
44. build up $5000 in savings (about halfway there)
45. clean the bathroom top to bottom
46. clean and organize my computer desk once a month for 6 months
47. do the 26 picture scavenger hunt
48. work overtime at least once
49. get coffee with Ben 1x a week
50. get new passport
51. learn to crochet or knit
52. sign up for new library card
53. discover 7 new bands/artists (6/7 Lily Allen, Tracey Thorn, Morcheeba, Paramore, The Kooks, Delta Goodrem)
54. buy 5 cds I've always wanted but never bought
55. have sex somewhere other than the bed, the couch or the shower
56. watch the top 20 movies on imdb.com (8/20)
57. take Ben to a play
58. take my vitamins everyday for a month
59. take my parents out for dinner
60. sell something on ebay
61. mop the floor in the kitchen
62. go to the zoo
63. go to one museum a year at least
64. make fondue and watch movies at least once before the end of the year
65. make cookies from scratch
66. make Ben a birthday cake
67. get a pedicure
68. write at least three full-length letters per year
69. see ten concerts (at least 2 have to be my idea, not Ben's)(4/10 Placebo on 4/19/07, Aquabats, Reel Big Fish/Less Than Jake, Fountains of Wayne)
70. find a job that doesn't require me to be on the phone all day
71. post a question at thequestionclub community
72. add more to storingthought
73. take an adult education class
74. sleep outside with Ben in a tent in our backyard
75. send my grandmas a card "just because" at least 1x a year
76. finish the box of crest white strips
77. investigate laser hair removal
78. get my fake nails taken off 4/25/07
79. have a bikini wax just for the hell of it
80. investigate lasik
81. get my engagement ring re-sized
82. have my rings cleaned and inspected every 6 months (5/2007)
83. learn to ski or snowboard
84. go to brunch at Little America 6/24/07
85. Go back to las vegas for our first wedding anniversary
86. relearn some ASL
87. dress up for halloween
88. go to a beach
89. instead of bottling up feelings write about them
90. get Ben's Strengthfinders test
91. get another tattoo
92. send christmas cards
93. help Ben clean up the spare bedroom
94. clean out refrigerator
95. visit Erin's grave on or around Memorial day every year
96. eat at 10 restaurants I've never been to before (5/10 - El Rancho Grande, The Italian Place, Spaghetti Mamas, Bubba Gump's, Ichiban Sushi)
97. try Thai food
98. friend some people on lj I find interesting
99. unfriend some people on lj I have nothing in common with anymore
100. gamble at a table game, not just slots
101. make another list

101 things

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