Yuletide, Politics and Doggos

Nov 07, 2017 22:49

Welp, with the newest bit of canon my Yuletide fic has been Jossed. *sigh* Tis the danger of finishing it early, I suppose. I am having such a hard time finding prompts to treat though, so many canons I don't know or prompts I couldn't hope to fill.

Reading the election returns has been interesting, it's nice to see that in a lot of places there were record highs for odd year voting (the even years are always highest- President and Congress are voted for then but odd years are weird and sometimes there's nothing to vote for at all or only really minor things like dog catcher or minor committees although sometimes it's mayors or governors type positions). There has been SUCH good news coming out though. The guy who wrote Virginia's bathroom bill seems to have been handily unseated after 13 terms by Danica Roem, the first openly transgender person elected to a state legislature in the US. Several states switched from Rep to Dem governors as well. With luck, this will continue and 2018 will have high voter turnout and big changes. We can only hope.

Where I am the most hotly contested race was not the mayoral one, oddly enough, but rather the park board. IDEK.

If you need a pick-me-up go visit this UPS Dogs facebook page which is just a million pictures of UPS drivers and all the dogs (and sometimes cats, etc) who greet them as they go about their day. So cute.

This entry was originally posted at https://donutsweeper.dreamwidth.org/519338.html. Please comment where you wish.

politics, babble

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