So yesterday it hit 62 (16.67) and they're saying it'll have a high of 26 (-3.33) tomorrow with a possibility of up to 6 inches of snow. Go home, Mother Nature, you are drunk.
Timeless had its season finale Monday (and possibly series finale, since it hasn't been renewed yet) and it did that annoying 'everything seems to be all happy and going fine but then in the last two minutes there is SHOCKING TWIST and SURPRISE and OMG WHAT WILL HAPPEN? Better hope they renew us so you can find out!' thing that seems to be the way tptb want to do things more often than not lately (well, always I guess because while I can think of a number of shows that ended that way last year there's also a bunch from ages ago- Alien Nation comes to mind and that was more than 25 years ago.) I'm just... not a fan of shocker tactics. *sigh*
On the good news front, Lethal Weapon was renewed! And for a full 22 episode season! (Unlike the 18 episodes that I think S1 was given). Watching Riggs' one-step-forward-two-steps-back recovery and growth is wonderfully painful. Good job show and congrats on the renewal.
I hit 1k on my exchange fic and it looks like if I wanted I could either end it at 1.5k(ish) or spin it off into some long 5-10k (or more) monstrosity. Or maybe not. Eh, there's plenty of time, I guess I'll just see how it goes.
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