Chatlog of the live episode chat for the 2x09 rewatch on Feb 12. Participants:
A. (finikindandy)
earlwyn (padfoodwolfboy)
mind_the_tardis (kikainogimon)
t_eylawihluta teyla: previouslies!
wihluta: oh look at that recaps...
finikindandy: geospatial
finikindandy: is a fun word
teyla: geostationary is a great word
teyla: ahaha
kikainogimon: I would have many questions about someone who wrote Welcome to Hell on a public wall.
padfootwolfboy: i'm having deja vu
wihluta: I would write that?
finikindandy: ...everyone at college?
kikainogimon: Well. It seems rather a downer.
teyla: I do like his voice.
teyla: It's very satan-y.
wihluta: someone says 'pit' and I think of oranges.
kikainogimon: I will not ask how you know what Satan sounds like.
wihluta: which is weird, cause that's pips.
finikindandy: ...What's that musician the brother likes with the rough voice
kikainogimon: I do not know?
finikindandy: He was a cool Satan
kikainogimon: He likes many musicians?
finikindandy: gonna bother me
padfootwolfboy: orange...pips?#
wihluta: yes.
teyla: Matt Jones. Didn't right any other eps, did he?
kikainogimon: I'm not sure.
kikainogimon: He should have, dammit.
teyla: dont think he did.
finikindandy: the brocolli games continue on my carpet
teyla: Pfft, didn't know you like these so much
finikindandy: ...cats are simple
kikainogimon: What's she doing?
finikindandy: these eps are very action movie
kikainogimon: Well, they're a nice change after 3 fail eps.
finikindandy: brocolli hockey
wihluta: it always worries me that the Doctor never questions the Oods positions.
kikainogimon: A popular sport.
kikainogimon: This is true.
finikindandy: it is, in the Southern US
teyla: yeah. next one is love and monsters! I like that one better.
wihluta: which one is that
finikindandy: Those are very unflattering helmet lights
teyla: the one with elton? mike warren.
finikindandy: And if you look to the side, you'd lind yourself
padfootwolfboy: marc warren
wihluta: ah, nah, never liked that one
finikindandy: blind
teyla: Yes
padfootwolfboy: this is all i do in this chat
teyla: that.
padfootwolfboy: i correct names
wihluta: lol
teyla: I kept calling him mike and thinking that's not his name.
finikindandy: tile face?
padfootwolfboy: i want to watch BoB again, to see him being all young and bad american accent
teyla: BoB?
wihluta: Band of Brothers
finikindandy: oooooooh no
wihluta: *loves*
teyla: The Doctor thinks forget orders.
padfootwolfboy: tom hardy apparently was also in that
teyla: Oh, right. Need to watch that. Is Marc Warren in that?
finikindandy: I had to watch Band of Brothers in 10th grade. : /
padfootwolfboy: yep
wihluta: really?
teyla: Everyone is in that. Whats his face from life is in it too.
padfootwolfboy: i love whashisface
finikindandy: The war show, yeah?
padfootwolfboy: and the other guy
wihluta: yes!!! And Livingston!
teyla: I love him too. He has an interesting face.
wihluta: Mah fandom! :D
padfootwolfboy: that guy!
finikindandy: It drove me crazy, but I had to write a silly essay on it.
padfootwolfboy: i love BoB
wihluta: it's great
finikindandy: retrieving Riv's brocolli so she doesn't keep crying
wihluta: and disturbing
teyla: aww Ten said retreat.
finikindandy: back
wihluta: omg, I forgot how to spell forwards in German
wihluta: T'eyla, help me?
padfootwolfboy: i like the security dude
wihluta: vorwärts?
teyla: . . . what's the german word for forward?
teyla: yes.
wihluta: is that right?
teyla: yeah, I think it is
wihluta: okay
teyla: Ten is so unimpressed by strategy 9
kikainogimon: Strategy Nine sucks for the Ood.
teyla: It does.
finikindandy: yeah, blue and orange or yellow with red pops
padfootwolfboy: aaaand british power continues to be its faily self
teyla: xD
wihluta: indeed.
padfootwolfboy: i will stop picking on britain now
wihluta: TORCHWOOD!
teyla: Oh look, they're working for torchwood.
kikainogimon: Oh, TW.
finikindandy: Who is?
teyla: pick on britain all you like. it deserves it.
kikainogimon: They're future TW.
finikindandy: Aw, they suck
teyla: They are.
finikindandy: I don't approve
teyla: That's very torchwood. Sucking.
finikindandy: Heh.
finikindandy: I mean, I don't like the people.
finikindandy: Whether or not they suck at what they do.
wihluta: The Tin Vagabond. That's gonna be my new religion.
teyla: Huh? Contemporary Torchwood sucks too? I mean, it's charming, but they're not very competent.
teyla: When was this? xD
wihluta: But they fail so very well
finikindandy: Yes. Charming. These people lack charm.
teyla: I dunno. I like Bad Hair Guy.
teyla: And Security Guy.
finikindandy: Bad Hair Guy can be in TW
wihluta: I think he was?
teyla: Ten says I have no religion :| I AM Jesus, dammit.
padfootwolfboy: i wonder if there's fic for bad hair guy/security guy
padfootwolfboy: who fandom is huge enough right?
finikindandy: Ew.
teyla: I'm sure there is.
kikainogimon: Who was the virgin?
finikindandy: That is just not a pretty though
wihluta: the crazy writing guy
kikainogimon: XD
finikindandy: Aw.
kikainogimon: Poor man.
kikainogimon: He goes gdi :| Why is he a student cliche?
finikindandy: ...gdi?
finikindandy: oh
finikindandy: I get that one, I think
teyla: psychologists = the devil?
finikindandy: yes
finikindandy: def
padfootwolfboy: truth
teyla: According to TEn, they are
teyla: I'm sure h!Ten would agree.
finikindandy: One little cable
finikindandy: Forget safety features
wihluta: and how did he do that?
kikainogimon: Yes, he thinks this because psychologists would have a heyday with *him.*
padfootwolfboy: i like his therapist though... h!ten needs to suck it up
teyla: ahaha I like her too
kikainogimon: XD
kikainogimon: Are you sharing chatlogs again?
teyla: she's competent. She made him not kill himself. That's quite an achievement.
wihluta: let's go jump into a hole!
padfootwolfboy: i got the abridged version
kikainogimon: XD
teyla: I told her about it. In person-like. It was odd.
finikindandy: BOLT CUTTERS!
kikainogimon: I have no one I can tell random RP stories to.
finikindandy: Those are fun, guys
teyla: I am sorry.
finikindandy: If you ever have a reason to use them, do
teyla: You need to meet up with sandsdream more.
padfootwolfboy: you could tell me fandom friend who also lives in nova?
kikainogimon: Ood with chainsaws? Please?
padfootwolfboy: my*
kikainogimon: sandsdream lives too far away :|
finikindandy: ...Chainsaws?
finikindandy: I didn't see any of those?
kikainogimon: It would amuse me.
teyla: who's got chainsaws?
finikindandy: Just bolt cutters
kikainogimon: No one :|
finikindandy: No chainsaws
wihluta: freddie kruger?
teyla: Sad.
teyla: No, he's got knives.
wihluta: ah
teyla: Kinda like wolverine only less cool.
finikindandy: Chainsaw knives
padfootwolfboy: the oods are like... wolverine?
teyla: Uh.
finikindandy: titanium ood
wihluta: what?
padfootwolfboy: that's what i just got out that conversation
teyla: adamantium. :|
finikindandy: ...
finikindandy: i don't read x-men?
wihluta: Ahaha, T'eyla, you remember! :D
teyla: Neither do I. I watched Wolverine origins far too many times though.
teyla: Because it has streaking hugh jackman.
finikindandy: or watch
finikindandy: I do not like him
padfootwolfboy: X2 was better
wihluta: He's pretty!
teyla: Nooo. I hate Xavier.
finikindandy: Noooooooo
finikindandy: He is my anti-pretty
wihluta: Nooooooooooooo
teyla: I only like him as wolverine.
padfootwolfboy: but i love xavier! and magneto
wihluta: I loved him in Kate and Leopold
teyla: xavier is SUCH an asshole.
kikainogimon: He is :|
kikainogimon: And far too powerful.
teyla: I was celebrating when he died. Finally.
padfootwolfboy: well yes
wihluta: No one disses Cap'n Picard
kikainogimon: Someone just needs to kill him in the comics.
padfootwolfboy: but the actor is A+
teyla: He was such a Patrick Stewart character. Augh.
finikindandy: Brainstorm!
kikainogimon: Because he's always endangering Earth by getting taken over or going evil.
wihluta: I never liked the redhaired one
kikainogimon: Brainstorms XD They use those in several eps.
wihluta: whatshername
kikainogimon: Jean is boring :|
wihluta: yes
teyla: I only know Origins. It was hilarious.
wihluta: as was cyclops
teyla: Victor/Jimmy ftw.
padfootwolfboy: cyclops is lame
kikainogimon: Yes, Cyclops is super-dull.
padfootwolfboy: and manpain-y
wihluta: indeed
finikindandy: manpain
kikainogimon: He is like I AM A LEADER I cry small leader emo tears.
finikindandy: good sort of word
padfootwolfboy: hahaha
kikainogimon: Yes, manpain.
padfootwolfboy: A+
kikainogimon: ...Ten wants to go down.
kikainogimon: Hm.
teyla: abseiling Ten! He tries to commit suicide in this ep, doesnt he. AGAIN.
wihluta: it's his thing
teyla: It is.
wihluta: and it never works
finikindandy: why's he so bad at it?
kikainogimon: The jumping thing is weird.
teyla: Because he's a Time Lord. And a drama hound.
kikainogimon: I've stood near edges and felt it.
kikainogimon: It's kind of awesome feeling.
padfootwolfboy: the jump feeling?
wihluta: yes. lke you can fly
kikainogimon: Yep.
wihluta: I love it
teyla: Yeah. But I think for him it's telepathy as well. I mean, the Ood are affected, right? And he's the only other telepath on board.
finikindandy: I don't have that
kikainogimon: Or like you're in danger and it's just under your control.
wihluta: but it makes my skin crawl whenother people do it
teyla: yeah, it's only cool when *you're* the oen doing it.
kikainogimon: XD
kikainogimon: Butt moment.
wihluta: yeah, running for their lives and having time to admire butts.
finikindandy: ...insulting people's asses in that sort of scenario seems uncool
wihluta: people...
kikainogimon: I...would be tempted.
kikainogimon: I mean, I might be dying.
kikainogimon: So, hey.
kikainogimon: Check out a butt.
finikindandy: But she told him it wasn't his best angle
wihluta: Kinda a Jack thing to do.
finikindandy: That's a cruel last moment thing
finikindandy: Hey, we might die, you look like shit.
teyla: I used a lot from these episodes for The Noose.
kikainogimon: Poor dude :|
padfootwolfboy: she's, like, meant to be 19
teyla: I never realized how much.
finikindandy: Rose?
padfootwolfboy: the 19 yo's i know make comments like that
padfootwolfboy: yeah
finikindandy: Really?
finikindandy: Weird
teyla: I like Danny. Someone should RP him.
wihluta: yep
finikindandy: That hair guy
padfootwolfboy: aw, mr. jefferson
wihluta: ded!soldier
finikindandy: or security guy
kikainogimon: This is a very Aliens scenario.
finikindandy: he looks like an Aliens actor type
padfootwolfboy: i'd rp security guy
kikainogimon: He does.
teyla: It is. I like Mr Jefferson, too. Very standard action movie guy.
kikainogimon: I'd RP captain.
teyla: you should~
padfootwolfboy: he's all Noble
finikindandy: I'd rp Danny if I rp'ed
teyla: Noo Jasper you should RP Bad Hair guy.
kikainogimon: Yep.
kikainogimon: XD
kikainogimon: Why, because he's sort of weasely?
finikindandy: Pretty much
finikindandy: He's kind of pitiful
teyla: And so convinced that he's awesome, and just isn't
kikainogimon: Well, he's not unawesome. Everyone does okay in this ep.
padfootwolfboy: aw, sad
teyla: but if finikin RPs him, then you can RP captain. I dunno who I'd RP. Oh, I do. Ten!
finikindandy: Oh no, suffocationsssss
kikainogimon: Pfft.
finikindandy: The chances of me ever rp'ing anything, pretty slim
teyla: Obviously.
teyla: Apparently, earlwyn and I are drunk. We find it sad that Mr Jefferson is dying.
kikainogimon: XD
padfootwolfboy: i'm tearing up a bit
teyla: Poor Mr Jefferson :|
teyla: What's his first name?
wihluta: I could drink now... mmmmmmh
padfootwolfboy: george?
teyla: OOps, ood
teyla: Might be george
teyla: We have vodka :|b
padfootwolfboy: *sings* movin' on up, to the ease si-i-ide
wihluta: I have sherr
finikindandy: George Jefferson sounds like a tragic 1st grade history mistake. XD
wihluta: y
teyla: the ood should learn to run.
wihluta: heheheee
teyla: oh Danny. U so fail.
finikindandy: At least he has a personality
padfootwolfboy: aw, poor oods
finikindandy: The captain's just like... I am a captain
padfootwolfboy: i am definitely drunk
teyla: Oh, sure. I like him. But he fails. xD
wihluta: but he has manpain over it!
teyla: I am, too.
teyla: ahahahaha xD
padfootwolfboy: wow that was misspelt
teyla: just a bit
kikainogimon: Lots o' manhugs.
teyla: lots of | in there
finikindandy: ||||
wihluta: black background is black
teyla: Tennnnn is such a drama hound.
finikindandy: I didn't know there was a key for | until like... last week
wihluta: drama llama
padfootwolfboy: i carn't capslock on this keyboard
teyla: its got a capslock key
padfootwolfboy: i shun the capslock key
teyla: me too
padfootwolfboy: also i did not see it
teyla: its in the same place as on any other keyboard?
padfootwolfboy: it's slightly shifted from my laptop
finikindandy: Does he have a limited number of regenerations?
wihluta: 12
teyla: Yeah. 12.
finikindandy: Well, they're going to have a problem soon aren't they?
padfootwolfboy: this is the 'oh she knows' moment right?
teyla: Yep
teyla: are you gonna cry?
kikainogimon: Actually, no. They made it so it's not clear how many he has in SJA recently.
teyla: xD good. I have no tissues.
wihluta: what?
finikindandy: He has 12 good ones or something
teyla: well, it doesn't really matter. he's not gonna die.
wihluta: It's 12, but there's a way around it. The Master did it.
teyla: there is so much stuff in this episode that you can tell RTD wrote.
wihluta: And Ten says it's 12 too!
kikainogimon: Yeah, it feels very atheist.
teyla: yep
wihluta: yeah
teyla: Rose theme~
kikainogimon: Eyelashes.
wihluta: can't say it
teyla: oh she knows. It's a good moment.
kikainogimon: Yeah, this is a very good set of shippy eps.
teyla: Yep.
kikainogimon: It's probably the most genuine the relationship feels, I think.
teyla: Yeah.
finikindandy: you think so?
kikainogimon: Yep.
wihluta: I just can't buy the Rose/Ten
finikindandy: ...You guys must have very different ways of interpreting people and emotions
kikainogimon: I buy it in these eps, because they can't say things to each other.
teyla: I can buy it. Ten would do it. He's a romantic. He would go for Rose, just because he'd want it to work out.
padfootwolfboy: i buy it as a deep friendship
padfootwolfboy: with rose having a crush
kikainogimon: I buy it as a Bad Idea that Ten had.
wihluta: yeah
kikainogimon: And went I will pretend this will work out!
padfootwolfboy: yeah
teyla: Yep, this.
teyla: Ten is such a silly man.
finikindandy: i mean, I just don't see that exchange etc. as emotionally realistic at all.
wihluta: stupid girl
padfootwolfboy: seriously, rose
wihluta: stop whining
kikainogimon: No? It's hard to say things to people you care about.
padfootwolfboy: i still think billie piper cries well
teyla: Yeah, I thought it seemed more realistic than most "love" exchanges.
teyla: And yessss she does
finikindandy: To you guys, sure.
kikainogimon: was emotionally realistic to people who work like us?
finikindandy: A lot of love exchanges are bad, but that one seems as much so to me. *shrugs*
finikindandy: Yes
wihluta: aaaand here we go. having a religious moment
finikindandy: What you said kikai
kikainogimon: Silly rocket.
finikindandy: well, the rocket's all secondary colors
finikindandy: whooptidoo
kikainogimon: It also looks like a toy one.
kikainogimon: Aw. He is alone.
kikainogimon: He wants that, though.
finikindandy: well, kind of violet blue
finikindandy: But there was green
finikindandy: ...Great painting
kikainogimon: He's the kind of guy who wants a relationship to end in an Epic Way. Instead of just going...oh um. I can't commit, please, uh. Leave.
teyla: its a cartoon devil
wihluta: he feels the need to talk to himself, why?
finikindandy: ahahah. Glowing amphora.
teyla: Well, Ten's jsut a drama hound.
finikindandy: Forgot those
kikainogimon: When you see pots...smash them.
kikainogimon: this works in video games.
wihluta: hehe
finikindandy: Diablo game cover
kikainogimon: I love the fact this was just green screen, of course.
teyla: british cgi, made by blizzard
padfootwolfboy: don't trust the dude who is smiling crazily
kikainogimon: With DT going...A BIG SCREEN.
kikainogimon: I AM AWED.
wihluta: BBC has gotten really good at CGI
teyla: ahaha xD
teyla: that does make me respect him more, really
finikindandy: Green screen looks really difficult to do
teyla: because green screens are just . . . weird
kikainogimon: It does :|
wihluta: if you look at the Tripods, that was some bad CGI
teyla: yeeeah
wihluta: na, very easy
teyla: ahaha Ten wants a ritual
wihluta: we have it at school
padfootwolfboy: i think green screen would be fun
padfootwolfboy: ridiculous but fun
teyla: well, we have it in the studios.
finikindandy: no, to do it's easy
kikainogimon: Bad teeth, Satan.
finikindandy: I've done it
finikindandy: But to act for it
teyla: but talking to a green screen when you're supposed to be talking to, idk, Satan
teyla: it would be odd.
wihluta: ah, yes
kikainogimon: Imagine Satan as a green screen :|
wihluta: but he's good at it!
kikainogimon: ...Ten's thought process is very very verbal.
teyla: that's why i said it makes me respect him more
teyla: it is.
padfootwolfboy: i just want to do, like. AND NOW THERE A DINOSAURS ala jurassic park
teyla: Monologuing!
finikindandy: Yeah, where it looks really funny in shows is where people are hanging from something moving.
finikindandy: It never comes out right
kikainogimon: Ten goes IN CASE THE AUDIENCE IS DUMB.
teyla: Ten says he's figured it out! By talking to himself.
teyla: I do love that scene. Aw David. <3
kikainogimon: He's already figured out talking to it is pointless, so let's continue.
finikindandy: I should move to Britain, and I could feel unselfconscious about my front tooth gap. If BBC actors/actresses are any indication. : /
wihluta: bad teeth=very british
finikindandy: between front teeth. Small one
finikindandy: Not a missing front tooth
finikindandy: Clarifying
wihluta: ;)
padfootwolfboy: there's not flouride in the water here, yeah?
wihluta: I dunno
wihluta: it's in salt
kikainogimon: Yes, T'eyla is telling me to ignore orthodontics ideas, and just wait to come to the UK.
finikindandy: Heh. I kind of... thought that, but wasn't going to say it
teyla: Oh Ten. Monologuing like a boss.
wihluta: everyone here has crooked teeth
padfootwolfboy: i thought that was the primary difference between uk and us
teyla: teeth?
padfootwolfboy: teeth, that is
teyla: and customer service.
padfootwolfboy: flouride in the water
finikindandy: Heh.
padfootwolfboy: the fact that it exists in the states
wihluta: there's tons of chloride in it
kikainogimon: I would actually prefer no customer service :|
kikainogimon: It disturbs me.
padfootwolfboy: you'll be very happy in the uk
teyla: well, it's nice to have sometimes.
finikindandy: some costumer service is good?
teyla: if you actually need it.
kikainogimon: True, now and then.
kikainogimon: Ten. Could not think if someone gagged him.
teyla: awwwww granting Rose agency. THANK YOU TEN
wihluta: \o/ &hearts RTD
padfootwolfboy: twu luv
teyla: :3
finikindandy: : /
teyla: Ten has twu wuv for lots of people
teyla: Rose, Donna, the Master, the TARDIS . . .
finikindandy: ...This is your freedom. Free to die.
kikainogimon: Yes. He is Enthusiastic about People.
wihluta: crazyface!Doctor
teyla: he just made a face at the devil
kikainogimon: Also, he really *does* want to die like nuts in this ep.
teyla: Yes, he does
kikainogimon: Hehe.
teyla: but then, he does that.
finikindandy: He has forensic science lips. I really don't like that.
kikainogimon: What the hell, says the dude.
wihluta: he quotes stuff
finikindandy: Well, light. But similar
kikainogimon: Insufficient seatbelts.
finikindandy: you get a ticket, if you don't click it
wihluta: how does ten get to the TARDIS?
finikindandy: stupid devil
kikainogimon: He just finds it down there, I think.
teyla: he falls down into the thing. pit thing.
teyla: Yes.
finikindandy: Naturally
kikainogimon: And goes, damn, that is handy.
wihluta: o_O
teyla: Well, the TARDIS probably did it on purpose.
padfootwolfboy: twu luv
teyla: Went, that's enough, silly Time Lord. No suicide today.
kikainogimon: It poked around down there and then went oh hey.
wihluta: ah, ic
kikainogimon: XD
teyla: awwww TARDIS
kikainogimon: He has a private moment with his TARDIS.
teyla: Yes :3
teyla: and he changes
teyla: into his suit
kikainogimon: XDXD
kikainogimon: You're right.
teyla: Oh, no, I think he does that later
wihluta: well... there were stains on his red suit
kikainogimon: Damn.
kikainogimon: He should.
teyla: because the Rose/ten hug he's still in the suit
finikindandy: ya'll are scaring me
finikindandy: Tardis sex
wihluta: totally
kikainogimon: Hey, mind-sex.
teyla: the TARDIS can pull stuff out of a black hole :3
wihluta: hehehe
kikainogimon: It can XD
teyla: gravity schmafity :3
finikindandy: I don't think mind sex would screw up your suit
kikainogimon: Really damned good mind-sex?
finikindandy: ...Or at least purely mind sex
padfootwolfboy: yayyyy alive
wihluta: it does if you come in your pants
kikainogimon: XDXDXDXD
teyla: ahaha
teyla: Well, it's not HIS space suit
finikindandy: Yeah, that's why the purely mind sex addition
finikindandy: ...That makes it worse
teyla: HUG :3
finikindandy: You gonna give that back to someone?
wihluta: There is... laundry available
kikainogimon: Hugteims.
finikindandy: ...Wait, what happened to the other 2
kikainogimon: Rose cannot breathe for a week.
finikindandy: oh, there they are
wihluta: how did they do the swap?
teyla: NOW he's changed
teyla: really quickly
finikindandy: i don't know
kikainogimon: Hair dude say I mean, it was a box, what do you want?
wihluta: PLOTHOLES! I can find them!
finikindandy: heh
kikainogimon: He fluffed his hair up a bit, too.
finikindandy: not much
wihluta: no longer artificial gravity
kikainogimon: Well.
teyla: well, it's the TARDIS. It can pull stuff out of a black hole, Im sure she can do exchanges.
kikainogimon: Right XD
finikindandy: although, it was probably flattened by his helmet
finikindandy: so maybe
teyla: stuff of legends :3
teyla: good line.
wihluta: he wishes
kikainogimon: He likes Rose a lot.
teyla: He does.
kikainogimon: She lets him flatter himself.
finikindandy: That's how I'm going to introduce myself.
teyla: Yes.
kikainogimon: Constantly.
teyla: Yes.
teyla: That's a good reason to like someone.
padfootwolfboy: aw, listing all the ood
kikainogimon: Hair dude goes, so many people died, I get the whole backseat to myself.
teyla: awwwwwww cute episodes.
padfootwolfboy: that's going to take a bit
finikindandy: Yeah, nice of them
teyla: ahahah xD
finikindandy: the ood bit