Chatlog of the live episode chat for the 2x08 rewatch on Feb 12. Participants:
A. (finikindandy)
earlwyn (padfoodwolfboy)
mind_the_tardis (kikainogimon)
t_eylawihluta wihluta: A TARDIS!
kikainogimon: The TARDIS is very good at not landing in awkward public places.
padfootwolfboy: aw poor tardis
teyla: awww TARDIS. I love his crush on the TARDIS.
teyla: why is that funny :|
finikindandy: Rose must have a whole closet of short, colorful jackets
wihluta: Oh, this is the devil one!
padfootwolfboy: that is just hellishly pink, her jacket
finikindandy: 17!
wihluta: She has the worst clothes
teyla: ahahah aw TEn
finikindandy: 3!
kikainogimon: his voice.
kikainogimon: 3!
finikindandy: It is the number station!
kikainogimon: Yes!
teyla: He's so young >_>
kikainogimon: Also, the pseudo-Japanese-ish station.
kikainogimon: He is. Not looking worn.
teyla: No, it's OLD. Not Japanese.
wihluta: Sooooo young!
finikindandy: He should have the Scottishness
teyla: OOD
wihluta: OOoooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!
finikindandy: Oooood~! So cute!
kikainogimon: He should.
padfootwolfboy: OOOODs
teyla: They're so polite.
kikainogimon: Yeah, these are good eps.
kikainogimon: If I remember right.
padfootwolfboy: needs a dona :|
wihluta: Oh, btw, teyla and earlwyn - tickets are being sent at a later date, but the order is in order
finikindandy: If you have 2 brains, and 1 is cut off, you would probably die right.
teyla: It does.
kikainogimon: The Doctor seems IC in them and so does Rose.
padfootwolfboy: er, donna*
teyla: oh, cool, wih, thanks.
finikindandy: They said it was like a lobotomy
finikindandy: But... that just means your hemispheres can't communicate
teyla: the doctor seems IC in what?
finikindandy: This bothers me
teyla: I think it was just the Doctor simplifying things.
padfootwolfboy: so is matt jones welsh then
wihluta: I like the Oood.
kikainogimon: A lobotomy that still leaves you highly functional, oddly.
teyla: worst cliffhnager ever
finikindandy: Ok, simplification
kikainogimon: I love the hug later in this ep.
teyla: I know that guy from somewhere. The security dude. And I can never remember where from.
kikainogimon: Goddamn him.
wihluta: Well, it was the little whatsitcalled emotionpart they had cut off?
finikindandy: Yeah, I know you would still be more or less together post-lobotomy. Just not... super
kikainogimon: Why is he hot?
wihluta: Or somesuch?
teyla: Because he's wearing a leather jacket?
finikindandy: Me too. On the knowing him.
finikindandy: What?
kikainogimon: NO TEN.
kikainogimon: Not the older guy XD
teyla: Oh, lol. Because he's pretty?
kikainogimon: I'd just steal that guy's jacket.
finikindandy: Oh, phew. Geez, Jasper. I was scared.
kikainogimon: Well, I didn't used to think so.
teyla: and put it on Ten?
kikainogimon: No, on me.
teyla: oh, well.
wihluta: Mmmmh Ten in Leather!
kikainogimon: And then steal Ten and the TARDIS.
finikindandy: 10's hair's pretty flat this ep
kikainogimon: And possibly keep Rose, because I am not evil.
kikainogimon: It is flat.
wihluta: It's the artificial gravity
kikainogimon: I like this guy.
finikindandy: Ah. I see. XD
kikainogimon: What else is he in? I've seen him elsewhere.
kikainogimon: Ahahah, gravity.
padfootwolfboy: aw, oods
teyla: the captain? yeah i know him from somewhere
finikindandy: He looks like Nighy, kind of. But her's not.
finikindandy: shakety camera
wihluta: wobbly camera action!
teyla: all those explosions were set up by the skinny stressed out Who special effects guy :3
kikainogimon: No, Mr. Speak to Me Ida.
wihluta: He's great
teyla: I love him in the confidentials.
finikindandy: I don't know who said that.
teyla: He's sooo stressed all the time.
kikainogimon: The black guy.
kikainogimon: I like him.
finikindandy: ah
finikindandy: they have twins hair
wihluta: The crazy guy, he looks like this hollywood actor.
wihluta: who played hollow man
kikainogimon: Oh, he is captain.
kikainogimon: That guy is so oily XD
kikainogimon: Is her name Scooty?
finikindandy: maad
teyla: I think it is.
kikainogimon: Did she just call the other woman scooty?
finikindandy: Yeah, the guy did look crazy smelly
wihluta: *rolls eyes back liek mad*
kikainogimon: Ten says *ORGASM*
kikainogimon: Concerned one.
finikindandy: Scooty madness orgasm?
kikainogimon: Yes.
padfootwolfboy: scooti
kikainogimon: Scooty Madness.
kikainogimon: It's my next album.
padfootwolfboy: so says the subtitles
finikindandy: Heh. Thus, it is so.
finikindandy: in case you've never heard of a black hole
teyla: Oh Ten. You are so bad at science talk.
kikainogimon: Watching episodes like this reminds me why I picked up a Ten.
wihluta: what happens to a black hole eventually?
kikainogimon: He's just...goofy and intent.
wihluta: do they justkeep going?
teyla: Nothing. It just keeps going.
wihluta: mmmh. so eventually theere just will be balck holes
kikainogimon: So eventually the universe will turn itself inside out with all the black holes?
teyla: I picked up a Ten because of . . . Midnight. I think I did pick him up only after s4 aired.
kikainogimon: Yes, this.
wihluta: and then they eat each other?
finikindandy: ...oh, that bothered me. I forgot in the 4? finale, when the stars all go out
finikindandy: It was like... no, because that means they went out a really long time ago?
kikainogimon: I like the idea of the universe just turning itself inside out.
kikainogimon: It should do this at the end.
padfootwolfboy: i thought that was in the fifth series
wihluta: Inside-out people! :D
finikindandy: Maybe. It was Donna. I don't know the numbers
padfootwolfboy: was it in both series? the stars going out?
wihluta: I can't remember
kikainogimon: It's called...the Suppository That Was Rejected.
kikainogimon: Ten: *...*
finikindandy: I know the seasons by the lady names. : /
teyla: I think it was in both series.
teyla: If it was in s4. Because I can't remember it in s4 >_>
kikainogimon: They must have decent showers.
finikindandy: that guy doesn't look like he should have that much chest hair
wihluta: Like on Enterprise
kikainogimon: If he squints hard, he might figure this out. Ten.
finikindandy: the dirty hair man
wihluta: little indian guy?
finikindandy: yeah
wihluta: ah, he's just haaaaaairy
padfootwolfboy: why do you have dog tags in deep space?
finikindandy: tiny cup! i hate tiny cups
wihluta: coz he's cool, yo
teyla: because they make you look sexy. Or at least he thinks so.
finikindandy: i think it would work for some people?
wihluta: 666 call the devil!
wihluta: ;D\fs18
kikainogimon: What was that about 666?
kikainogimon: I missed it.
padfootwolfboy: oh the empire
kikainogimon: Glasses off, Ten is mad.
teyla: aw Rose xD
wihluta: something about 6 by the poer of 6 every 6 seconds
teyla: that wasn't a bad line
kikainogimon: ...He recovered it, and then painted it on the wall.
finikindandy: naturally
wihluta: yeah, coz he's crazy
teyla: Ten. He's so easy.
wihluta: Because you could!
wihluta: :D
kikainogimon: Ten says I LURV PEOPLE.
teyla: ahaha oh Ten
finikindandy: life on spaceship, kinda boring, fingerpainting = fun
padfootwolfboy: gheehee
teyla: awkward
kikainogimon: BEST MOMENT.
wihluta: HUGS!
wihluta: HIS FACE!
teyla: Captain: :|
finikindandy: magic box
kikainogimon: The guy found it entertaining.
kikainogimon: Heh.
teyla: awwww TARDIS
finikindandy: ....there should be a guy with a big steamer trunk for a Tardis
finikindandy: it would look v. Houdini
wihluta: D'aw, TARDIS is a goner
kikainogimon: Aw TARDIS.
kikainogimon: Yes, stepping and in out of his trunk to travel.
kikainogimon: This is the best ep for his TARDIS love.
teyla: This makes me remember why Doctor/TARDIS used to be my OTP
finikindandy: i want one. trunk travel
kikainogimon: Well, it still is.
finikindandy: otp?
wihluta: *sadface* Ten
kikainogimon: I just killed your TARDIS.
teyla: one true pairing.
finikindandy: ah
finikindandy: mine is... myself and life?
padfootwolfboy: i see british engineering has improved in the future; at least now when they're upfront about things not working.
teyla: xD Well, I've got a number of OTPs. It's a fandom thing.
teyla: ahahah xD
kikainogimon: Ahahaha, laundry.
kikainogimon: Mortgage moment.
teyla: Ten's on the laundry. He would fail so much. He'd lose socks and stuff.
wihluta: Inna minute. Best moment ever! :D
kikainogimon: And put all the colors together.
teyla: Yes
teyla: hug :3
finikindandy: but everyone loses socks
teyla: Not *all* of them.
finikindandy: the ood should dance
kikainogimon: ...They really should.
wihluta: They only dance when their eyes go green
kikainogimon: Heh.
finikindandy: sweeping balletic arm movements
kikainogimon: You have to count your Ood.
finikindandy: counting out loud pointedly
kikainogimon: Why not just have them have a check in system?
teyla: That reminds me of the XFiles s7 finale.
wihluta: I just read a book that used the same trope
finikindandy: ...that guy's just a poor phd student
wihluta: evil voice in head
finikindandy: 38
finikindandy: ...maybe dr. who just really likes blue and yellow/orange
teyla: Well, it *is* the colors in the logo
finikindandy: oh
wihluta: Soy sauce, surviving the ages!
teyla: old logo. not the new one.
finikindandy: ahahaha
teyla: ahaha love the intonation
padfootwolfboy: ahahaha. i love that line
teyla: xD me too
kikainogimon: Ood start carrying THE END IS NEAR signs.
finikindandy: ...
teyla: hii satan.
kikainogimon: OHNOES.
kikainogimon: A DEVIL.
kikainogimon: It should have been fluffy.
kikainogimon: Like a tribble.
teyla: ahaha
kikainogimon: That guy has such odd hair.
wihluta: LOL
finikindandy: like.... the rabbit in monty python?
kikainogimon: I remember spending both eps going...your hair.
teyla: yes
finikindandy: yeah
kikainogimon: YES. The rabbit would be great.
finikindandy: bad hair
kikainogimon: With that voice.
padfootwolfboy: okay dude clearly it is not danny
finikindandy: toby?
kikainogimon: My name is...Tim?
wihluta: Bob
teyla: ahaha xD
teyla: Some call me Tim.
teyla: That would be the best twist in that episode.
finikindandy: latex gloves
finikindandy: really?
wihluta: Or Brad. Brad Pitt... o_O
kikainogimon: Then the voice says PSYCHE.
teyla: Satan has pretty bad lines.
kikainogimon: Or psych, even.
kikainogimon: He does.
kikainogimon: He's a creeper.
teyla: Yes.
kikainogimon: OHNO MAGIC MARKER.
finikindandy: he sharpied himself
padfootwolfboy: i like the music
kikainogimon: CONTACTS.
wihluta: I have seen such hands before. My students tend to do that when they are abored
teyla: Yeah, me too. Music, that is.
kikainogimon: XD
padfootwolfboy: it is DRAMATIC
finikindandy: writing kills people, yo
kikainogimon: Do they write Satanic chants on their hadn?
kikainogimon: hands.
finikindandy: probably
wihluta: no, just doodles.
finikindandy: kids these days
kikainogimon: Oh, this is on the CD.
wihluta: probably hexes to curse me
kikainogimon: I love this music.
teyla: It looks like Sauron.
finikindandy: violins
padfootwolfboy: ...i still do that in lecture >.>
finikindandy: are good
wihluta: SAURON! :D
teyla: Sauron = Black hole?
finikindandy: 19
wihluta: That would make sense
teyla: xD Oh Ten. So condescending.
wihluta: inna way
wihluta: SO HUNGRY!
finikindandy: ...should be a verizon commercial
padfootwolfboy: eat something?
teyla: Whyyy are the subtitles not capitalizing TARDIS. :/
kikainogimon: We're kinda stuck.
kikainogimon: Heh.
kikainogimon: Best line.
wihluta: No, the black hole
wihluta: hehehe best scene ever
padfootwolfboy: ohright
teyla: doors and things.
finikindandy: not carpets!!!
finikindandy: hate carpet
finikindandy: ...does he mean rugs?
teyla: awwwwkward.
kikainogimon: Aw, this is the ...I love you? ep.
padfootwolfboy: awwwwkward
finikindandy: plural carpets is odd to me
teyla: Oh, she knows. Yes.
teyla: He means rugs.
finikindandy: ok
finikindandy: does that sound normal in uk-speak?
wihluta: I want red contacts
kikainogimon: Nice phone toss.
padfootwolfboy: plural carpets sounds normal to me
wihluta: carpets? yes
finikindandy: huh. ok
padfootwolfboy: do we not say that in the us?
finikindandy: Flying carpets?
teyla: I do like Bad Hair Guy.
finikindandy: But I generally haven't heard it for rugs.
finikindandy: Unless they're like... Persian rugs
teyla: Like, he seems like a rather realistic character. I've met guys like that. >_>
padfootwolfboy: in aladdin, the flying carpet was Rug
wihluta: Makes me mad, that man
teyla: convenient timing.
finikindandy: ...You're right. Rug the carpet
teyla: he probably doesn't know that they only have half a brain.
teyla: Doesn't seem like the thing you'd make public if you're trying to sell them as slaves.
finikindandy: Ducts to nowhere
padfootwolfboy: it's like a really low key rap concert
wihluta: 42!!!!!!!!!
wihluta: hehehehee
finikindandy: heh
finikindandy: yeah, you can. it just sucks
wihluta: Ded woman is ded.
teyla: ahaha, great line
finikindandy: farethewell Scooti
padfootwolfboy: it's like bad emo poetry
teyla: so informative, computer
teyla: bad emo computer poetry?
wihluta: I want Majel Barrett as the computer voice.
teyla: He has a good mad grin.
kikainogimon: You have to hold your arms funny when you're possessed.
finikindandy: Of course
kikainogimon: Okay, the first thing I would do if I saw someone done up like that would be snicker.
teyla: Well, if you're used to being a giant horned monster, being in a normal human body would feel odd.
kikainogimon: And then be nervous.
wihluta: Ruin has come. The end of the World is nigh.
finikindandy: Yeah, it would definitely make me giggle more than be scared.
wihluta: Well, if they're standing in deadly atmosphere, I would be slightly creeped out
kikainogimon: True.
finikindandy: yeah, legit
kikainogimon: I would be more like...I'm somewhere with no atmosphere.
teyla: OPen to the elements?
kikainogimon: WTF.
wihluta: Scootie scooted away
finikindandy: ...Scooti Manister?
padfootwolfboy: manista
finikindandy: ...Either way
finikindandy: Cruel parents
teyla: ahaha xD Rose
teyla: Ten. Such a drama hound.
finikindandy: aw, I thought she banged off the window
teyla: AHAHA sorry line.
finikindandy: must be some other space thing
finikindandy: no way she was 20
wihluta: Shouldn't she be smooshed or soemthing?
teyla: Yes, she should be.
kikainogimon: 20, and you get to go to space.
finikindandy: That's what I was thinking
kikainogimon: Yeah, she'd be pretty much a mess.
finikindandy: But I couldn't remember if you smoosh or pop
teyla: But then she wouldn't be pretty anymore.
teyla: You explosively decompress.
wihluta: yep
finikindandy: So you pop smoosh
teyla: Yep.
finikindandy: Kind of sweet
teyla: Ten: THAT'S A WAY TO GET OFF THE BASE. Give me a spacesuit.
wihluta: I wouldn't trust the Doctor as far as I can throw him. But hey, that's just me.
wihluta: I'd still go with him...
finikindandy: gots to go down a whole and yell at the devil some
kikainogimon: Yeah, me, neither.
kikainogimon: I would be like...dude, you are so after your ship.
teyla: He does make people trust him, though. He'd be a great conman.
teyla: Or, well. He is a great conman.
wihluta: Yeah, he should pair up with Neal
kikainogimon: Yeah, he is.
wihluta: and Eliot.
wihluta: Pretty boyscouts
finikindandy: Tucked in shirt. hahah.
finikindandy: Hair man is all kinds of style fail
teyla: at least he's consistently faily?
finikindandy: It's true
finikindandy: It's a very purposefully constructed fail.
wihluta: Doctor is all: I is facing death again. Excited! :D
teyla: Is that the same warehouse they used for the storage where they stored the ood brain in planet of the ood?
wihluta: Looks a bit like it
finikindandy: He should be grinning like an idiot. So much adrenaline.
teyla: ahahaha oh Rose xD
finikindandy: It's probably the same warehouse as almost any BBC warehouse
teyla: He can survive without oxygen. He's a Time Lord.
wihluta: Yeah, but he'd squish in vaccuum too
teyla: Yeah, but he's wearing a spacesuit.
finikindandy: Or not? I mean, his health rules are pretty inconsistent
wihluta: Looks like a quarry in Wales
wihluta: He does breathe, only not into lungs as far as I know
teyla: Yeah, he's got a pulmonary tube system going along the lymphatic system.
wihluta: that's it
teyla: *read all the Time Lord physiology stuff online. Is a geek.*
kikainogimon: Which is fun to flood with blood :3
finikindandy: ...Is that official?
teyla: Yes :3
teyla: Yeah.
finikindandy: ...Hmm.
teyla: Established in Five's era.
teyla: which means he probably has his lung equivalent somewhere where humans have their spleen.
kikainogimon: THEY'RE DANCING.
teyla: Aw, Danny. Creeped out by the Ood.
finikindandy: Do they ever explain why the Gallifrey (ians? or what have you) look exactly like people?
kikainogimon: Nah.
kikainogimon: Magic.
kikainogimon: Magic evolution.
wihluta: maybe the people look like gallifreyans!
finikindandy: I was hoping they addressed it somehow
teyla: They do have the line where a human is like BUT YOU LOOK HUMAN, and Ten's like YOU LOOK LIKE TIME LORD.
teyla: So, you know. It's never explained either way.
finikindandy: well, yes, vice versa, but... yeah
wihluta: they do imply that the Doctor picked the humans because they remind him of the timelords
finikindandy: I guess they had very similar atmospheres
finikindandy: and... predators and diet and...
finikindandy: Yeah
wihluta: well, they had a red sky and red plants so...
teyla: I do like him as the evil possessed guy. Even though he doesn't look like he'd be very good at it.
finikindandy: red chlorophyll? : P
wihluta: IDK?!
finikindandy: His lips look like dead people lips
finikindandy: Don't like
teyla: ahaha more xfiles. It's like the Black Oil storyline.
teyla: except with red eyes
wihluta: This is really, really exactly like the book I just finished. LOL
wihluta: There are only so many evils to tell about. ;)
finikindandy: I am reading a book about traffic engineering. It is not like this.
teyla: well, it's very basic. Legion, the Beast, it's all christian/judean stories.
wihluta: Electric bulb! Hehehehee
teyla: ahaha floating communication ball.
finikindandy: Yeah. Kind of an oldie but goodie plot
kikainogimon: I forgot about the evil Ood balls XD
teyla: Me too xD
finikindandy: but they have them in all the ood episodes?
finikindandy: or at least most?
teyla: but they don't float in the other episode.
wihluta: they are ersatz brains.
finikindandy: That is true
finikindandy: The not floating increases their credibility rather a lot
finikindandy: Jump!
wihluta: The devil makes them
wihluta: float
teyla: He's not the devil for nothing.
wihluta: indeed
finikindandy: nope, floating communication balls
finikindandy: all part of his expertise
teyla: ahah evil laugh.
finikindandy: devious bastard
wihluta: muaahahaaaa